Hi all, my name is Allen. 30's, male, law enforcement, like red wine and long walks on the beach. Been lurking here for a little while.. I think when .19 came out (just after KSP went to STEAM) Not much for forums, I'm old school internet nerd and am a big believer in John Gabriel's "Internet $%@%wad Theory", so I tend to stay away from forums.. but the KSP community is pretty darn awesome on the whole. I use MechJeb, originally for just information but once I figured out how to do standard maneuvers I swapped to using it for guidance, then once I figured out docking I switched to using MJ for docking when I'm feeling lazy, even though it's slow and seems to waste a bit of mono. I've read there's a few different types of KSP players out there.. Pilots, ship builders..etc.. I definitely fall into the ship building/project management side. I tend to wipe my slate clean every time an update comes out just because every time I re-design my "operations" from the ground up they get more streamlined, smaller part count and better lifters with more stable stages. It's fun for me! I treat it somewhat like career mode.. No kerbal left behind, use satelites to scout first..then unmanned voyages and finally a manned landing.. Then we start into orbital stations and as of late.. I've been doing orbital kethane processing, just finished getting an operation on minmus going. Been to duna, eve and a couple of moons..but that's it! Don't like doing things half-way so I take my time and enjoy it. Long intro, going to try to be more involved as I love the shape the game is taking. Thank you to all the regulars who have already shared their experience and knowledge (and craft files), you've probably helped more people than you know enjoy this game. And another thank you to the active (and past) mod-makers who inspire creativity and just make life fun. Keep it up. Enough mushy stuff. Peace all!