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  1. I think it is possible, but would require you write a custom plugin which i'm just starting to learn about now because of problems with my own model having multiple animations. it might possible to write a script with rules that Arm the parachute once a certain altitude is achieved say 20-40,000m, then after detaching have another set of rules that activate the parachute at say 500-1000m. or have it activate the parachute upon decoupling. or
  2. it would be ALOT of work, since we can't convert the .mu models back, the model would have to be completely redone. even if we could convert the model back it would still be ALOT of work. the models would have to be extended and all the animations redone. so either way it would be easier to start from scratch
  3. you do each animation on different parts of the timeline on blender ie: 1st is 1-50th frame 2nd at 55 to 105. dunno if the separation is necessary but that is how I did it.. then in unity you set the script animation to have no default animation, and elements to the amount of animations, then load those animations into the list. when it comes to KSP though I do not have both animations working at the same time, currently you activate the first and everything is fine, but if you activate both at the same time it cancels out the other.
  4. can you point me to information or a tutorial on creating suspension?
  5. no wasn't the normals, the textures are setup weird and i'm having to change the shaders they used because they act funny. I wonder if they'd mind if i borrowed the solar panel texture
  6. I loaded messenger and juno up and blender and played around with it, moved it to unity and had to adjust the textures, loaded them to KSP and juno is missing the center. i'll try again later tonight
  7. okey next problem, how do you attach 2 different animations to 1 object.?
  8. Hey guys I'm having issues with creating airlocks today, I was able to do it earlier but am unable to replicate it now. process seems like : 1: model and move to unity 2: setup node collider 3: create empty and add cube collider, tag "Airlock" & layer 21 "Part Triggers" also set is trigger optional : repeat step again only name Ladders if you want a ladder. 4: make sure door is on Z axis (blue) arrow pointing out the door. 5 make sure empty named Airlock is lined up facing in front of the door on the Z axis with local Z axis arrow facing into the door. 6: delete original door collider what am i doing wrong? they popped out earlier now i'm just getting obstructed hatch errors EDIT and updated: fixed, deleted the original door collider they were conflicting some how.
  9. hmm good eye, i'll play around with aligning it north for a few and if it changes things.
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