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Everything posted by GregoryOwen

  1. I think it is possible, but would require you write a custom plugin which i'm just starting to learn about now because of problems with my own model having multiple animations. it might possible to write a script with rules that Arm the parachute once a certain altitude is achieved say 20-40,000m, then after detaching have another set of rules that activate the parachute at say 500-1000m. or have it activate the parachute upon decoupling. or
  2. it would be ALOT of work, since we can't convert the .mu models back, the model would have to be completely redone. even if we could convert the model back it would still be ALOT of work. the models would have to be extended and all the animations redone. so either way it would be easier to start from scratch
  3. you do each animation on different parts of the timeline on blender ie: 1st is 1-50th frame 2nd at 55 to 105. dunno if the separation is necessary but that is how I did it.. then in unity you set the script animation to have no default animation, and elements to the amount of animations, then load those animations into the list. when it comes to KSP though I do not have both animations working at the same time, currently you activate the first and everything is fine, but if you activate both at the same time it cancels out the other.
  4. can you point me to information or a tutorial on creating suspension?
  5. no wasn't the normals, the textures are setup weird and i'm having to change the shaders they used because they act funny. I wonder if they'd mind if i borrowed the solar panel texture
  6. I loaded messenger and juno up and blender and played around with it, moved it to unity and had to adjust the textures, loaded them to KSP and juno is missing the center. i'll try again later tonight
  7. okey next problem, how do you attach 2 different animations to 1 object.?
  8. Hey guys I'm having issues with creating airlocks today, I was able to do it earlier but am unable to replicate it now. process seems like : 1: model and move to unity 2: setup node collider 3: create empty and add cube collider, tag "Airlock" & layer 21 "Part Triggers" also set is trigger optional : repeat step again only name Ladders if you want a ladder. 4: make sure door is on Z axis (blue) arrow pointing out the door. 5 make sure empty named Airlock is lined up facing in front of the door on the Z axis with local Z axis arrow facing into the door. 6: delete original door collider what am i doing wrong? they popped out earlier now i'm just getting obstructed hatch errors EDIT and updated: fixed, deleted the original door collider they were conflicting some how.
  9. hmm good eye, i'll play around with aligning it north for a few and if it changes things.
  10. I believe something is wrong with my overall orientation and it is throwing everything off. does anyone have a full write up on how to do it? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/23027-0-17-interior-tutorial-download-example-project?highlight=internals+tutorial this is all I can find and it is old and incomplete, it's missing a picture that shows the correct way to orient things. also the example file he submitted.
  11. that seems to work, but now i'm having issues control issues, it seems all the controls are reversed when i add wheels to it. as in forward is reverse. but not reversed with engines on it :\
  12. hey guys, i'm having alittle trouble and thought i might be able to get some help here. I have all my parts modeled, setup in unity, but when i switch to IVA view I can see the internal, but the external models still are still visible, any clue whats going on?
  13. after a solid day of experiment i'm getting very close. I have everything setup and aligned correctly, I just can't get rid of a bug i'm experiencing. when i go to cockpit view there are 2 models of the interior 1 slightly larger than the other like scale is off somewhere or it is showing both internal and external at the same time, i just can't figure it out. once I get it solved and repeat it a few times i'll post the rest. 1 trick i did use was to put a colored box on the set to make it easier to get the rotation right.
  14. https://www.google.com/search?q=kerbal+node+collider&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a as far as i can tell node_collider is how to properly set it up. taking short cuts only causes headaches.
  15. that's what the "prop tools" script is for, it allows you to place gauges and interior items called "props" and then hit "write config" to export it out to a txt file, which needs to be copied into your internal.cfg
  16. just curious if any one else is having issues. it seems to me like the coords are mixed up when trying to set seatTransformName, and also with props. did the change the axis in the newer build? also hello community
  17. I had the same problems. this is all I have found http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/23027-0-17-interior-tutorial-download-example-project?highlight=internals+tutorial it is somewhat incomplete and outdated, and has some typos, I'm in the process of figuring it out myself. i have everything figured out except for Prop placement. they are not showing up. here is my take on it : this process makes it really easy to do both the internal and external at the same time. 1: make your model and export it ( i export via .FBX because i'm using blender) 2: open unity and import the kerbalparttools .18 and your model 3: create 2 empties, name them "internal" & "external". 4: create a duplicate of your model by right clicking it in the hiararchy. 5: put 1 copy of your model in both the internal and external empties 6: in the external empty, create another copy of your model and name it "node collider" 7: strip all scripts off each part that is under node collider, attach mesh colliders,attach mesh, check convex box. 8: create another empty name it "seat" also on layer 16 name it "Kerbals" <--- important 9: add prop tools to internal and add props ( THIS is where I"M STUCK, currently the gauges aren't showing up and there is a weird copy of my ship appear near the launchpad when i go to launch but it does not follow) a 10: go into scripts and add a ksp/part tools script to both the external and internal ( this way you can individually save your internal and external with the instance of unity ) export your model.mu files to your ksp folders and create your .cfg files. also make sure everything is centered properly. I'm not going to explain how to write the config files it took me a week to figure the basics i know out, and i still don't have it correct edit : also having issues with getting the part oriented correctly again, it's rotated 90degrees. (( fixed orientation issue by making sure my top of my model was aligned with +Y in unity please do not take this as a guide, just clearing up the old one alittle
  18. any chance you'll describe what you think you did that fixed it?
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