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Posts posted by KiwiShark

  1. Reported Version: v0.2.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
    OS: Windows 10 | CPU: i5-10600k | GPU: RTX 3080 | RAM32GB DDR4-3600


    Severity: None

    Frequency: Always

    Issue: There is a typo in the part description of the T-1 "Dart". In the first sentence, it says


    The T-1 "Dart" is C7 s only methalox engine

    There is just a space between C7 and s, which isn't proper syntax.

    Expectation: There should be an apostrophe connecting C7 and s, i.e., C7's.

    Steps to Reproduce:

    1. In the VAB (or R&D Center), hover over the T-1 "Dart".
    2. Press Shift to expand the part description.
    3. Read the first sentence.


    Included Attachments:


  2. Oh yeah that's the stuff! The clouds/plumes look great and so does that chart. Even some colony chatter, which is always welcome. Any dev update on 0.3 in detail sounds like it would be as big as a fully sized colony itself.

    Keep it up, IG!!! :D

  3. I can't seem to determine if there is any specific rhyme or reason behind the way parts are organized in the research nodes on the tech tree. It's not alphabetical, by size, by mass, or by part type. At least not consistently across all nodes.

    For instance here's a few nodes that directly follow each other in Tier 3, [Part name (Size - Part Type)]:

    Enlarged Power Systems: SP-XL "Gigantor" (MD - Solar Panel), FC-01 (XS - Converter), Z-1K (S - Battery)

    Long-Range Generation: PB-NUK (XS - Generator), Z-4K (M - Battery), RA-100 (S - Transmitter), Communotron 88-88 (S - Transmitter), FCA-06 (S - Converter)

    Nuclear Power: Z-375 (L - Battery), SP-XXL "Colossus" (L - Solar Panel), KR4-P3 (S - Converter)

    They're all over the place! In some nodes there's fuel tanks followed by an engine and others an engine followed by fuel tanks. Generally  similar parts are grouped sensibly in individual nodes, although there are exceptions to even that. Medium Orbital Rockets has two pods, three other parts, a pod again, and one last other part.

    If there's any formula to this I can't tell what it is. I wouldn't call this a bug because technically there isn't anything wrong, I don't know what the correct order would even be, it's just a weird quirk to the layout of parts in the nodes.

    It would be nice to see some cohesion in the parts list for the nodes just for the heck of it, but I recognize this is about as pedantic as a suggestion gets.

  4. Personally I've been committed to KSP 2 since day 1. I had a personal send-off to KSP 1 and was ready to jump in to the new experience and stick with it. Truth be told I wasn't playing KSP 1 super actively at the time and I play plenty of other games outside of KSP so I've been enjoying things feeling fresh at times and I do other stuff while waiting for even more freshness. I had been playing KSP 1 for at least a decade and moving on to KSP 2 felt like a reflection of the rest of my life at the time, moving on to new things. I got to ride the KSP 1 roller coaster and and now its like I get to ride it all over again. It's been fun to be totally engaged with the game growing and becoming more realized over time. I like KSP 2.

    That being said...

    When I think the game is really going to click will be colonies, which seems to be a common sentiment. The interstellar and exploration updates also seem like major draws. The appeal of the game is going to escalate as features synthesize with each other. Not just new content but content interacting with other content. There's only so much that meshes right now because there isn't much to mesh with. That's when I think I'll go from liking KSP 2 to truly loving it.

    Maybe I'm an optimist to a fault, but I've been having fun. :wink:

  5. Reported Version: v0.2.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
    OS: Windows 10 | CPU: i5-10600k | GPU: RTX 3080 | RAM32GB DDR4-3600


    Severity: None

    Frequency: Always

    Issue: There is a typo / grammatical error in the part description of the LV-2000 "Trumpet". The wrong speech article is used in the first sentence, which reads:


    When the CEO of Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics commissioned Jebediah's junkyard to build an deep space engine, the business world was confused.

    The "an" article is typically only used when proceeding a word that begins with a vowel.

    Expectation: In "to build an deep space engine", "an" should be "a".

    Steps to Reproduce:

    1. In the VAB (or R&D Center), hover over the LV-2000 "Trumpet".
    2. Press Shift to expand the part info and description.
    3. Read the first sentence.



    Included Attachments:


  6. Reported Version: v0.2.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
    OS: Windows 10 | CPU: i5-10600k | GPU: RTX 3080 | RAM32GB DDR4-3600


    Severity: None

    Frequency: Always

    Issue: There is a single character typo in the description of the RE-L10 "Poodle". The last sentence of the description reads :


    If this were a dog show, the 'Poodle: would be a finalist for sure.

    Expectation: The : after Poodle should be another ' in order to close the quotation, i.e., 'Poodle'.

    Steps to Replicate:

    1. In the VAB (or R&D Center), hover over the "Poodle" part.
    2. Press Shift to expand the part window and description.
    3. Read the last sentence in the description.


    Included Attachments:


  7. I figured it's about time I start actually using the forums some after recovering this account from over decade ago.  :wink:

    So of course I'm not new to KSP by any means. Old school KSP 1 EA adoptee (early 2012). KSP 2 too, now. KSP is what pointed me towards aerospace engineering back in high school and now I work as an engineer developing some cool stuff which is sometimes in that vein and other times for other controlled kabooms. Obviously KSP holds a special place in my heart and personal history! Looking forward to spending some more time with y'all!


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