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Posts posted by Kappa73

  1. i chose to unlock all of the science equipment with my 1st mission, and what ever i could with the rest of the points, but it could be that that was a mistake, we'll see. Trying to figure out my 2nd mission, was thinking of hopping all of the munar biomes with all of the science but im not so sure about that anymore. I guess i could do a tour shooting probes to planets with atmosphere and radioing the science back home? If i was to spend the science again i'd seriously consider getting docking ports for some mothership/lander action.

  2. uID7NLB.png

    tier 0 rocket, 1204.3 points upon return home, rest radioed in from space. 1712 points total for the flight.

    I skipped the mun altogether, gonna go there and map out those biomes with all those science equipment im gonna get from this 1st mission.

    What i did instead was Kerbin equatorial biomes eva reports, Minmus, interplanetary, Jool, Laythe, Vall, Pol, Tylo, Dres and Duna flybys, eva reports from high and low orbits, and crew reports radioed in when i burned the engine and gained power. Reports are from high Minmus, High Sun, high and low Jool, low Laythe, low Pol, low Val, low Tylo, high and low Dres and high and low Duna.

    I also got the whole thing on video, tho i dread to edit that behemoth, the mission took a long time.

  3. Thank you Xeldrak for yet another very educational and entertaining challenge! Here's my entry, the KGBureau B. It's light, just over 4 tons at the start of the runway and very manouverable. It's really hard to stall tho or spin out of control, and the single engine setup makes it safe for high flying also, no worrying over an asymmetric jet engine flameout due to lack of intake air. It is also equipped with an ejection system for emergencies.

    craft can be downloaded here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/47660163/KGBureau%20B.craft


  4. working on it also, just not sure if this can be right, MJ orbit info says Time to apoapsis 5604y 354d... it could be that my gravity slingshot from Jool was a bit too good heh =)

    Edit: the deep space listening station is still on its way, dunno if can wait that long tho. In the meantime i decided to launch second, identical rocket with another station, and took it on a lower orbit...


    it won't have enough fuel to circularize tho, somewhat elliptical orbit will have to do...

  5. @Kappa73 Well, thats a realy nice entry

    Thank you very much! And i do apologize for the lack of screenies, i'll make sure to take plenty of those next time. It's just that i've just recently started videocapturing and making YT videos of those captures, so i'm very excited about that hehe =)

  6. After so many added goals for this challenge i redid the whole shebang, and here's what i got:

    (insert video seems to be out of order..)

    part 1 here :

    part 2 here :

    For score i got 213, 5 away from perfect score because i failed to land very close to the memorial. Anyway, thank you very much for a fun and educational challenge! Oh and by the way, my rocket does have the escape tower thingy, but unfortunately the part where i ejected it got discarded in the editing room by mistake but it is there to the observant viewer. And i have a craft file for download if anyone wants to see for themselves.

  7. Here's my submission, no idea if it's any good or not, but you gotta start somewhere, right?

    I chose my plane to not be very fast, but really fuel efficient.


    here's a shot of the flight when i ran out of fuel


    and here's the distance when splashed down


    total flight time 25:45, which is quite bit more than your prediction =) distance travelled 168,877m

  8. Here's my entry, it's been a while since i did a proper circumnavigation, i think it was back in .17 i tried something like this =)



    i missed the runway a bit, had to u-turn and come back for a landing. Other than that, it was pretty uneventful flight. I did break the 2 kilometers/second barrier tho, which was nice!

    E: here's a link to the video i recorded on the flight

  9. Here's my entry for the challenge:

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    Please don't mind the poor quality screenshots, i have the whole mission on video, i'll post it as soon as i get it rendered and uploaded.

    Now i will attempt to calculate the score.

    extra seats 2 x 2500 = 5000

    docking lighting 300

    solar charging 200

    backup battery 150

    redundant parachute 3 x 1000 = 3000

    docking clamps 500

    no mechjeb 50

    science! 1500

    total = 10700

    ((18000) - (16065 - 500)) + (10700 - 0)) = 13135

    E: Here's the youtube video i promised.

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