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Posts posted by badpandabear

  1. Thank you, but this doesn't seem to work for me... although I updated Toolbar and AFBW, the game crashes on me if I press the button on the Toolbar, and shift+L doesn't do anything

    I had a similar experience in Windows 7, it would crash whenever I tried to open it from the toolbar regardless of whether I had a joystick plugged in or not.

    This was with 1.0.2 and the updated dll from Taniwha. Since no one else had reported this I figured it was something weird with my hardware. Fortunately I play mostly on Linux.

    I tried to look into why it was crashing, but I'm not that experienced with Unity or Windows programming. It looked like it was crashing in Xinput code enumerating my controllers. I put my output_log.txt in dropbox if anyone with more Unity/Windows experience wants to take a look at it.


  2. You don't need to do that: just callibrate using AFBW (ensuring your throttle is at 0% when you start) and then invert the axis in AFBW. Works for me with my Saitek X52 in Linux.

    I was surprised that this worked. I had looked at the source earlier but I missed the section of code for calibration. Thanks!

    One point to clarify, setting to what the Controller Configuration showed as 0% didn't work for me. I had to move the throttle all the way down to the position I wanted to be 0%. This showed up as 1 until I hit calibrate.

  3. Do you mean calibration in the mod or outside of KSP? Because with AFBW's calibration it doesn't fix that issue for me, unless I'm doing it incorrectly.

    If your throttle has half of its range negative like mine (a Logitech Extreme 3D Pro) then the AFBW calibration won't help. It won't shift the negative values to be positive values.

    If you have calibration software outside of KSP that can shift the values to be all positive then that might work.

  4. Now this leads to a bigger question... based on KerbMav's last statement: "so later in game you could hire level three pilots for a higher sum than the always cheap level zero recruits", does it now make sense to split this off and create a separate mod called Kerbal HR and keep what is in SM "simple"?

    In a separate mod I could create management tools for Roster, experience, skill level, Professions , etc,. Expand it so you can manage all facets of a Kerbal Career... Career level hiring, increase the cost for "experienced" kerbals, etc. Iirc, the current model is that all applicants come with 0 experience...

    This would also satisfy your desire to create a completly custom cadre of kerbals. You could rebuild your kerbals from an old save where you have documented their experience and want to bring them up to date with today...


    I can certainly understand the need to reduce "requirements creep". But if you do make a new mod it should be "KR", as "human" resources doesn't make sense.:D

    More seriously, I was thinking it should cost experience points if a kerbal is retrained to another profession. Since all of their experience in one profession might not apply to another (but some would). Or perhaps it should take some time to retrain a kerbal. I briefly looked at changing the kerbal's experience level in code but it was reset every time a mission was recovered. I think the game recalculates it based on the kerbal's flight log.

  5. I'm looking at the rename with profession save again, and you mentioned setting the profession at OnGameStateLoad. how did you accomplish that?

    A code snippet would save me some research time...

    Basically I've been trying to directly set the Kerbal's profession whenever the game automatically resets it based on the name. I'm using a scenario module to persist the name/profession mapping to the saved game. The code looks like:

    // Note I hate the name FlexibleProfession
    [KSPScenario(ScenarioCreationOptions.AddToAllGames,new GameScenes[]{GameScenes.EDITOR,GameScenes.FLIGHT,GameScenes.SPACECENTER})]
    public class FlexibleProfessionScenario : ScenarioModule
    public override void OnLoad(ConfigNode node)
    foreach (ConfigNode child in node.GetNodes(FPConstants.KERBAL_SUBNODE))
    KerbalProfessionData loadedKerbal = new KerbalProfessionData();
    if (loadedKerbal.KerbalName != null)
    KerbalRoster.SetExperienceTrait(crew, loadedKerbal.Title);
    // Other stuff to store loadedKerbal

    In my testing I've found that calling "KerbalRoster.SetExperienceTrait( someProtoCrewMember )" will recompute the profession based on protoCrewMember's name. That should be easier for the append non-printable character approach.

    BTW The reason I'm trying something different is that I thought it might be cool to try making a new custom profession. When I try that it reshuffles all the professions for the non-orange suited Kerbals--which seems bad for an existing saved game. But I have another problem in that Vessels won't recognize my Pilots as being able to use SAS unless they EVA first. Edited: Now it's fixed! Time for bed

  6. Thanks. It seems we have an issue with game state with my proposed changes. Looks like it is tied to the name. :( I also did some additional testing. Previously, I had not changed scenes after making the changes. same result as yours.

    the DLL contained the ascii 1 trick too, so looks like that didn't work out as hoped....

    Well, back to the drawing board....

    I was thinking about making a mod to allow renaming Kerbals without changing professions when I discovered this thread. In my testing I found that Kerbal professions reset when the "onGameStateLoad" event was triggered. So I tried setting the profession at that point and it seemed to persist across scene changes. Perhaps something similar would work for ShipManifest.

  7. I've been testing the 6.5 beta using Linux 64bit KSP, Module Manager 2.5.8, and no other mods. What I'm seeing seems odd.

    Using a Mk 1 Pod with only a parachute attached, I tried to deorbit from a 110km circular orbit above Kerbin. I tried a periapsis at 0, 5k, 10k, 20k 30k, and 40k. On normal my Pod exploded at 20k and above. At 10k it had 0 ablation left. At 5k it had about 4 left, and at 0k it had about 9 left. On Hard difficulty, it always survived with just a few ablation units used up.

    I then tried the same set of tests using a Mk 1-2 Pod with heat shield, a docking port and parachutes. On normal difficulty the ablation shield was used up quickly and the pod exploded on every reentry. I had to go to a suborbial trajectory (1600m/s when hitting the atmosphere) before it would survive. On Hard difficulty, it again always survived.

    On every test I make sure alternate density is turned off and the alternate heating model turned on.

    So is it simply that Normal and Hard difficulty are reversed? Or am I doing something wrong?

    Here is my custom.cfg if it helps. I can also generate logs if you want but not tonight because I'm tired of doing reentries.

    @shockwaveExponent = 1
    @shockwaveMultiplier = 1
    @heatMultiplier = 25
    @startThermal = 750
    @fullThermal = 1150
    @afxDensityExponent = 0.9
    @temperatureExponent = 1
    @densityExponent = 0.9
    @gToleranceMult = 6
    @parachuteTempMult = 0.5
    @crewGKillChance = 0.01
    @crewGClamp = 10
    @crewGPower = 4
    @crewGMin = 10
    @crewGWarn = 450000
    @crewGLimit = 900000
    @legacyAero = False
    @dissipationCap = True
    @useAlternateDensity = False
    @useAlternateHeatModel = True
    @shockwaveExponent = 1
    @shockwaveMultiplier = 1
    @heatMultiplier = 20
    @startThermal = 750
    @fullThermal = 1150
    @afxDensityExponent = 0.8
    @temperatureExponent = 1
    @densityExponent = 0.8
    @gToleranceMult = 6
    @parachuteTempMult = 0.25
    @crewGKillChance = 0.01
    @crewGClamp = 30
    @crewGPower = 4
    @crewGMin = 5
    @crewGWarn = 450000
    @crewGLimit = 900000
    @legacyAero = False
    @dissipationCap = True
    @useAlternateDensity = False
    @useAlternateHeatModel = True
    @shockwaveExponent = 1
    @shockwaveMultiplier = 1
    @heatMultiplier = 1
    @startThermal = 750
    @fullThermal = 3000
    @afxDensityExponent = 0.6
    @temperatureExponent = 1.55
    @densityExponent = 0.6
    @gToleranceMult = 6
    @parachuteTempMult = 0.25
    @crewGKillChance = 0.01
    @crewGClamp = 30
    @crewGPower = 4
    @crewGMin = 5
    @crewGWarn = 225000
    @crewGLimit = 450000
    @legacyAero = False
    @dissipationCap = True
    @useAlternateDensity = False
    @useAlternateHeatModel = True

  8. First I was just copying real world designs like the Titan, Atlas and Saturn V. Copying the Gemini and Apollo missions was a good way to learn how to dock.

    But now I've moved onto using a spreadsheet to calculate delta-v for my ships. First I design the payload, then either use an existing lifter or design a new one based on the delta-v needed to get to orbit. I tend to build interplanetary ships by docking the pieces together in orbit.

  9. Hmm, interestingly enough where I live we pronounce "methane" as "meh-thane", so you'd expect me to pronounce "kethane" as "keh-thane", right? Apparently not... I've always pronounced "kethane" as "kee-thane".

    I'm exactly the same way. I always say "meh-thane" but for some reason it doesn't sound right to say "keh-thane". I also pronounce ethane as "ee-thane" for some reason. Perhaps I'm just dumb.

  10. If random events means things blow up without any reason, no thanks. I've tried the April Fool joke and it quickly became frustrating. On the other hand, if it means certain functions would break occasionally (antennas, lights, solar panels etc.) and could be repaired on site, that would be very cool and adds another depth-layer to the gameplay.

    This is similar to a mod I was thinking of writing. Basically there would be three types of failures. Minor failures might include lights getting stuck on/off or a probe going into safe mode. These could be fixed via a menu click. Major errors would be less frequent but more dangerous. Like a fuel tank leaking, a solar panel producing less energy, or a command pod losing torque. These could be fixed by a Kerbal on EVA but could be serious if they happened during a critical phase of the mission. Catastrophic failures would generally involve explosions or things not working at all. These would be irreparable and the only way to deal with them would be redundancy (like extra parachutes) or rescue missions.

    What I wasn't sure about was how to handle the probabilities of a part failing. A simple way would be to assign a probability/unit time for each severity of failure, compute when the next failure will happen, and then when that time comes around randomly pick a part to fail. These probabilities would decrease when certain technologies are unlocked simulating the Kerbals getting better at testing and manufacturing.

    A more complex way would be to assign a probability to each part. A newly unlocked part would be more likely to fail as the Kerbals would have less experience with it. (I think I got this idea from a recent Scott Manley video). As above certain technologies would cause a overall lowering of failure rates as the space program matures. This would tend to discourage more complex shops with new parts early in the game, which might be more realistic but could be annoying.

  11. I only use the T45/T30's as lower stage engines on smaller rockets. For upper stages/landers I prefer the higher ISPs of the poodle. But of course the LV-909 is a better option. The only time I use the Poodle is for my Saturn V- like rocket; where the 3rd stage and service module each should only have one engine.

  12. From a poorly planned Mun mission I had Jeb stuck on the Mun's North Pole, and Bob and Bill stuck in very different elliptical orbits.

    I managed to get Jeb back despite loosing 4 of the 8 engines on my poorly designed Lander. Next it was time for Bob and Bill.

    I figured I had just enough for two plane change manuevers to reach them. I had the orbit aligned perfectly, a 1 km intercept, and then I realized...I was going the wrong way! Bob's orbit was retrograde relative to the rescue ship, and there was no way I could reverse my orbit to save Bob and then reverse my orbit again to save Bill . So I decided to save Bill.

    But don't worry Bob, we'll come back for you!

  13. On Kerbin's North Pole:

    "Jeb said Kerbal Klaus lived up here. But there's nothing here. Why would he lie to me like that! Whyyyy!?"

    After my first v.20 landing on the Mun:

    "First landing of Kerbal-kind on another world. In memory of Jebediah Kerman, and Bob Kerman who died so that others may triumph. And also Ansel Kerman who died stupidly trying to plant a flag for Jeb and Bob."

    And a Futurama reference:

    "We're whalers on Minmuuus!"

  14. I'm having some gamepad issues and I'm wondering if anyone has a better workaround.

    I'm running Linux Mint 14 on a laptop using via KVM switch connected to an external monitor and USB keyboard. I'm also using a USB game pad. The problem was that the buttons on the game pad seemed to "bounce". For example, the button I used to activate the Map view would quickly bring up the Map view and then switch back to the staging view. If I hold the button, it would continuously switch back and forth.

    When KSP started, it would show this:

    /dev/input/js0: driver version: 2.1.0 (20100)
    /dev/input/js0: fd 3, buttons 13, axes 6, name Nostromo Nostromo n45 Dual Analog Gamepad
    /dev/input/js0: axis 0: raw 0, mapped 0.000000
    /dev/input/js0: axis 1: raw 0, mapped 0.000000
    /dev/input/js0: axis 2: raw 0, mapped 0.000000
    /dev/input/js0: axis 3: raw 0, mapped 0.000000
    /dev/input/js0: axis 4: raw 0, mapped 0.000000
    /dev/input/js0: axis 5: raw 0, mapped 0.000000
    /dev/input/js1: driver version: 2.1.0 (20100)
    : Too many buttons; using buttons 0 - 19 and ignoring buttons 20 - 65
    /dev/input/js1: fd 4, buttons 20, axes 0, name Logitech Logitech USB Keyboard

    It seemed that KSP was recognizing both my keyboard and my gamepad as a joystick device. Using "evtest" I found out that this was a linux thing, my keyboard created two input devices one of which was being used by fancy buttons and was being interpreted as a joystick.

    As a workaround I can simply unplug the USB KVM before starting KSP and then plug it back in once KSP is running. But that's a bit awkard and wouldn't work for someone without a seperate laptop keyboard. Is there an easier way to stop KSP from using this keyboard as a joystick device?

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