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Posts posted by Giovanni.Lucifugo

  1. I think this is the third time I ever wrote in the forum (at least one post was lost in the datapocalypse some time ago).

    I've been playing KSP since v0.7.3.

    I remember quite well when I started it up the first time, it was late at night, but even with an hard day at work looming on me the day after, I spent a sizeable chunk of the night just throwing rockets at the sky.

    I've seen all of the Scott Manley almost from the beginning, and reading the forum and checking the mods have been part of my daily routine for the last few years.

    I've understood more about orbital mechanics from KSP than all the science studies I did in my life, and it revamped my interests in astronomy.

    I've bought multiple copies of KSP to gift friends with.

    Well, i guess that what I wanted to say was just :

    Thank you Squad, for Kerbal Space Program, Jeb and all the fish.

  2. what milestone means? Why is called that way??

    The term "mile" derives from the latin mille passuum, with the meaning of one thousand steps. That was a common measurement of distances, and armies often used to plant a stick every thousand steps. That was incorporated in the roman road system, with engraved stones placed every thousand steps, that took the name of "lapis miliarium" then "pietra miliare" in italian and "milestone" in english.

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