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Everything posted by AndersCW

  1. Great Thx.. i got it all working now!! when i find the time i might make a tutorial on the subject for others in need. Google translate: :D :D
  2. Hi all. i urgently need help to try and understand what i am doing wrong.! to begin with if some one knows of a tut on the subject please redirect me. Well... i have set up a scene i 3ds max and i feel pretty confident in creating regular custom parts - but! i hit the autokey feature in 3ds max - i move my obj's around a little and then export my scene as .fbx - animtion included. i have watched the part tools tut and in the vid it seems like all he does is pull the landing gear into the hierarchy and the animation is playable. that's just not the case for me. so i guess what im looking for is a checklist of things to do before exporting(max) and after importing(unity) thx.
  3. How many fx/thrusters would i be able to add to A single engine?
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