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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Loving the update, especially the cluster bomb and space missile. Any future plans for orbital weapons? (Weapons fired from orbit that hit targets on the ground)
  2. Would you mind posting the .stl file for us? And someone already mentioned this, but are you sending it to shapeways with textures?
  3. 3d print that spaceship right now!!!! (and i messed up the formatting lol)
  4. And you delivered: http://www.zazzle.com/to_the_moon_mouse_pads-144127323650103225 Do you make any money from these?
  5. If you made your designs available as mousepads on Zazzle, I would totally buy one.
  6. Some one make a texture pack that turns Kerbals into the minions from Despicable Me and my life will be complete.
  7. Hi guys, I'm just starting to making videos on youtube, so I figured I might as well post them here. Hope you enjoy. Feedback would be highly appreciated.
  8. I can stop anytime! Infact I'll probably do a deorbit burn right now. Wait, I forgot to pack parachutes... Maybe if I go skimpy on the deorbit burn and aerobrake...
  9. Just a random idea but I see no reason why it should work. So there is a program that can apparently generate 3d models from pictures.http://apps.123dapp.com/catch/ So combine that with a bit of photoshopping pictures of your ship( to remove backgrounds, UI in the SPH) Sorry about random errors, my PC is lagging from being on so long and my brain is lagging because no sleep
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