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Luna Lovecraft

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Posts posted by Luna Lovecraft

  1. Although the stock music gets a bit repetitive, I can't stand playing games with other music blaring over them. It ruins the immersion for me. You wouldn't do that to a movie, would you?

    Movies are not games though, and I usually put on a playlist with a similar theme. Keeps the immersion. ^.^

  2. Arrghh... Yes. I do this WAY too often. I either hit launch and the engines are burning like crazy and the clamps are holding the rocket down or the the other way around and the clamps let go and don't fire the engines. I usually laugh at that last one because usually you get lots of explosions and then when it all clears, there is the capsule sitting forlornly in the middle of the launch pad with the Kerbals looking gobsmacked and then going ...


    "Oops, sorry Kerbal 1, someone forgot to light the fuse"

    Indeed, it is epic though when you still manage to get into an orbit in one(ish) piece.

    You know you messed it up when you pointed the rocket in the incorrect direction.

  3. Yeah I'll just wait another two years.

    The vast majority of the content I am enjoying in this game is the work of unpaid volunteers. If it weren't for them I'd probably have forgotten about this game months ago, back when they were stringing along docking ports for two or three versions straight.

    The last major thing we got from Squad was in 0.18. It included docking, maneuver nodes, and the fundamental framework for resourcing. Everything since then might as well have not even have been released for as little as it matters.

    You have the right to not purchase anything that's pre-full release.

    Were this a fully released game and the resources not yet added, then you'd have an argument.

    At this moment though, the game is still in early development stages. When you purchase the game, you purchase it well aware of it being only in a developmental stage.

  4. Thanks to seat, these guys can be made. And they are fun.


    They control pretty well, and they're simple to design.


    I was surprised when I pulled up and my altitude actually rose.


    Sadly... Lenke learned that he should really slow down before deploying chutes... and to deploy them higher than 600m up...

    So show off some of your glider designs. ^.^

  5. That's a good point actually, haven't thought of that.

    Great with all the comments! Interesting to hear about how you all relate to this.

    The current plan is to get a second license of the game so that I can play regularly while this project runs on a machine in the closet. I wouldn't indeed be able to stop playing for so long.

    Then obviously I need to prove this so I don't end up being accused of cheating like that silent hunter guy. I wonder how much storage it would take to screenrecord a 1-year mission... :cool:

    The only thing I see as a really critical threat is the fact that I want to do this with something which is far away, likely a jool moon, and it has to be one I haven't visited yet. Doing this project for old news would be no fun at all.

    That would mean doing this elaborate mission without any training or simulation, knowing only in theory that fuel will be sufficient etc. Some serious calculations need to be nailed down and I would have to get a lot better at playing the game generally.

    Livestream it for 1 year.

  6. Me too. I desperately need a flag planting T-shirt, but they're only available in male styles. It's not like it's hard on cafepress to do women's styles.


    Yeah, isn't it just choosing some options or somthing?

  7. And it is.

    A friend of mine always said "I want a girlfriend that likes video games so we can play together" and we were always "nah, that's never gonna happen". And guest what? It happened... and it wasn't pretty at all.

    After some time he was like "why can't she play alone?!". There are things you don't like to do with your girlfriend, you know, having some "me" time. And if your "me" time is playing games, then you're screwed: you can't say "no, I don't want to play with you"!

    FYI that's not all women who play games.

    It's not impossible to find a girl who likes games but will also give you space.

    Just say "I'd like to play some games by myself." And if she says "No, we have to play together" or "You don't love me?" or something like that, then she's just getting a bit clingy really. Explain to her how you feel about it and that you need some time alone.

    I'm friends with a decent number of men and women who are like this (as in willing to give space; also, I've dated a few of the women).

  8. I can write one!

    Major Jeb - Blasting Home - to the tune of

    Standing there alone, the ship is waiting

    All systems are go, are you sure?

    Control is not convinced

    But the new Mechjeb has the evidence

    No need to abort

    The countdown starts.

    Watching in a trance

    Jeb is so certain

    Nothing left to chance, all is working

    Ready to ignite, all anxious waiting

    "Blast me to Eeloo", jokes Major Jeb

    He'll soon be dead...

    4, 3, 2, 1

    Kerbin's floating, spinning flying

    Jeb's igniting, SRB's blast home

    Second stage is cut, he's now in orbit

    SAS is up, attitude right

    Starting to project, maneuver node up

    What will it affect, when stages shed

    Thinks Major Jeb

    In the main control, there is a problem

    Go to rockets full, not responding

    No power is left, energy leaving

    Where is that Kerbol, Jeb's anxious now...

    There's no way out...

    4, 3, 2, 1

    Kerbin's floating, spinning flying

    Jeb's igniting, SRB's blast home

    Across the stratosphere

    A final message, "Blow my stuff all up"

    Then nothing more

    Far beneath the ship, the world continues

    They no longer care, it's not fair

    He is all alone just there waiting

    He's a drama queen, it'll turn back on

    When morning comes

    Kerbin's floating, spinning flying

    Jeb's igniting, SRB's blast home

    Kerbin's floating, spinning flying

    Jeb's igniting, SRB's blast home

    Kerbin's floating, spinning flying

    Jeb's igniting, SRB's blast home


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