I've been writing a plugin for some time now, and I want to configure things like the power usage of a part from the part module definition. PART { //Some Part MODULE { name = ModuleKSPFieldTest powerConsumption = 65 } } The module looks something like this: public class ModuleKSPFieldTest : PartModule { [KSPField(guiActive=true)] public float powerConsumption = 0f; } The problem is, as far as I can tell, that the only instance of ModuleKSPFieldTest that recieves this data is the one that's loaded at startup (and filed away somewhere?), and any parts that actually use that module in flight only display the compile time default of 0. Does this have anything to do with the fact that the debug console displays the part as Part(Clone)? Arodang has asked for help about this before, and as far as I can tell hasn't even been acknowledged, so I'm making this a proper post.