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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Hi, I made a powered paraglider a while back, probalby in version 0.22 or something. I had to use FAR for obvious reasons and KAS to support the wing, but it was flying as a charm. For my wing I used a set of unchanged stock wings and due to their mass they needed a support pylon but when in the air I could just decouple it. The steering was possible as I used reallife method of changing the position of the whole wing/sail. Here is a screenshot of it flying http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=287869896. If you have any questions feel free to PM me.
  2. I found a good way for building walkers without asas. Take a look at my screenshots. It doesn't have sas and can walk, although I prefer to use wheels so it moves faster. Send me a PM if you want a craft file.
  3. I have similar problem to yours. I'm using significantly worst laptop than your pc, but KSP run fine. As I said my problem is somewhere in KSC. I don't know what can cause lags, but KSP worked better before 0.21. My laptop configuration: processor i3-2350M GPU Nvidia geforce 610M 8gb ram That's enough for playing everywhere in universe but not in KSC.
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