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Posts posted by DethChikkin

  1. You're moving it into GameData, right? If you're still putting the Aviation Lights folder into the KSP_win_20-2\Parts directory, they won't show up, because they've been adapted to the new file layout as of 0.20.

    You can also get a peek into what's going on if, at the Space Center scene, you hit alt-f12, go to the Database tab and Reload All. Part loading errors will show up there.

    Oooooooh, well... that would be my problem XD. i am still putting it all in the parts folder, silly me... thanks for the heads up. and thanks for the tip to see part load errors :D

  2. Well the earliest version noted is from after the forum crash, (see Changelog on page 1 of this thread), so it would seem going by the datestamp on your .rar that you were running with 2.0 or earlier, since it was uploaded December of 2012.

    If you're having troubles currently because Steam auto-updated your game, just snag the latest version from Spaceport, as it has long since been updated to work with .20.x. :)

    i already did, it doesnt show up at all in the VAB menu. i can live with sending my station parts back up there but not with the mod not showing up at all. i tested it with a new save and everything, it simply doesnt show up.

  3. Steam auto-updated you? What version were you running before? Maybe I can help. :)

    ive been offline for awhile(and prolly awhile more as my comcast service is deactivated till i get a job), so i cant be sure.... i know there wasnt a flag before. how many updates were there before 20.2? cant find a version number to the old one i was using that works, but the rar title might give you an idea: uploads_2012_12_Aviation-Lights1

    ill check back here when i can.

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