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    Curious George
  1. Are there any plans to add a GUI to allow the different shader values to be able to be changed ingame? Also, in the short term, could someone kindly show me or point me to a tutorial on how to set up unity so I can mess around with this mod?
  2. Here's all the configs that I removed :FOR[ConfigurableContainers]. There's no more MM errors, my crafts seem fine. I can edit squad tanks and I tried to edit a mod tank (Talisar spherical tank) but there was no option in-flight or in the editor. Disclaimer: I don't know anything about modding other than installing them, I just went through every config and removed :FOR[ConfigurableContainers], so use at your own risk and backup your saves. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2orehp842uukqie/AABXzfCQ9W9N3UIeRBwnGNUfa?dl=0
  3. These are amazing, like others have said you should make different sizes, or atleast ones with the suspensions tuned to different weight classes of rovers
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