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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. the mods I have are procedural wings, fairings, dynamics, Ares, Kw rocketry, kerbal engineer, farram, and joint reinforcement, all the most recent copy as of 11/7/14. The game runs smoothly and then randomly half of the vab/hanger will go dark and will lag more than usual and the screen where the kerbals are floating above kerban, they will either turn from pink to green to normal or have a grey/black splotch on them. Also the 2.5m sas from the Aires pack will hold its position on the nav ball but will not allow for maneuvering until the sas is disengaged. The game will crash randomly when it is in the loading screen. the kerbal engineer parts show up in the vab/hangar but do not have a display. I pretty sure I installed the mods correctly, but ill try with a fresh install tomorrow and see if that helps.
  2. So I've been playing ksp for a little over a year and I've always tried to keep the TWR just above 1.00 to cram as much fuel and delta V into a rocket as possible while still able to lift its own weight. This works good enough, but now i'm building rockets with TWR of ~1.3 to 1.7 and time to orbit decreased by at least a good minute. Of course having a lower TWR saves a little fuel by not punching your way though Kerban's atmosphere, but with that extra fuel tank I'm still carrying the dry mass to space (or orbit depending on the setup). Once in orbit however a TWR doesn't really matter as much because your not counteracting any notable gravity but I'm not a big fan of long burns to get more delta V. My landing craft for someplace like the Mun usually has like a ~8.00 TWR, the responce time is great So is it really worth sticking on that extra tank? EDIT: thanks for the replies! I'm going to try this in a little bit!
  3. I think this would benefit from having some sort of node system that way we can just click and drag in order to change the shapes, my laptop's keypad doesn't work very well when a key is being pressed for whatever reason and having the ability to make compound wing shapes in one piece would be awesome as well as being able to make exact angles, but these are only suggestions so do as you please!
  4. I just happen to also love the site luft46 and I've even built to my best ability a good chunk of the site until I accidentally deleted a few, including the falke Wolfe VTOL project ( it literally took about a month to make the damn thing actually be somewhat controllable) but because of this challenge I'm going to rebuild it even better than I originally did as well as the natter and other things, I can post images of the prototypes I have sofar sometime tomorrow if your interested:D
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