This is my 1st post on here, as everything I've looked for has been findable via search. I've checked out literally one hundred mods, and have found one common problem. There doesn't seem to be a standard packaging method. Especially if one wishes to use the KSP Mod Admin application. I've found myself repacking mods to get them to work correctly in there. My suggestion is simply this: Package all mods using the same format used in the SQUAD folder. ie: FLAGS, INTERNALS, PARTS, PROPS, RESOURCES, SOUNDS, SPACES If the root of the zip folder started with a Gamedata folder, or just the main plugin folder it would be fine. One that I tried most recently that gave me issues was the Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Booster mod. It seems like a great mod. It confuses KSP Mod Admin and requires either special handling or repacking due to it's folder structure. If we can get most mods to have their .zip file start with either the \Gamedata folder or the \Gamedata\<plugin name> folder, this will make it less time consuming to ensure proper mod installation. Thank you for all the great work out there. This is only the post of an appreciative user trying to do his part and help give some positive feedback. I hate all the "it won't work for me either" posts and then no details. I promise, you'll never get that from me.