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Everything posted by brenzo

  1. An experience I had today. Two in fact. The first I had landed for my second time on the mun since the update, and I just came back to my ship from marking a Munar arch with a flag. So whathisname Kerman comes in using his EVA pack to to the lander. And once he lands, the lander is GONE. How gone? 17 km per second going away from Mun gone. Oh and my space station imploded and exploded when switching to it to align for docking.
  2. A three striped flag, top and bottom stripes dark blue like on your kerbin flag's and the middle stripe black. Also add 4 dark-gray stars in the upper-left corner. If you can do this, thanks
  3. Could you make a flag with 3 stripes? 2 dark (not very dark, dark like the color on the kerbin flag)blue, and 1 black in the center. And have 4 dark-gray stars in the upper left corner of the flag. If you could do that, thanks.
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