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Posts posted by JebDynamics

  1. HKPmt4cl.png

    Habitation: 2 Hab Modules and a science lab for 10 long duration.


    Supplies: The converted fuel tanks of the solar arrays are large, strong and only one part.

    Safety: A docked crew transfer vehicle serves as an escape pod.


    Manueverability: The station core holds all of the rcs and reaction wheels used to orient the station. Control is centralized which seems to help stability and the ability to recover from wobbles.

    Usability: The station is a orbital laboratory intended to process samples for return to the surface. The station is intended to be continuously manned and serve as a foothold in space for kerbal-kind and provide unique research environment, developing the technology to expand our frontiers.

    All of the components are launched atop identical first stages.


    The second stage is designed for pin-point landings. 120 LFO is enough to de-orbit and suicide burn.


    A freighter outfitted as a tanker, also carrying a berthing adapter bound for the station, but first a visit to the propellent depot.

    I got lots of ideas from this NASA proposal.


    Plenty of single solar panels to ward off probe death. I was forgetting to extend panels and time-warping, causing the battery to drain and loss of control, ruining the mission.


    Thanks for looking.

  2. You close the intakes AFTER you attain more than 1,200 m/s with the jet engines, at an altitude of around 24,000 to 25,000 meters. This is why some people can't raise their rocket engine speeds high enough to attain insertion, because they haven't built up their jet speed.

    That is what I said, maybe I didn't make it clear enough. Intakes need to be closed when your are burning/coasting to apogee.

    Simplify? It just takes ONE keypress to toggle a custom action.

    I find it simpler to have one hotkey for all intakes on/off. I fly up to 24km as fast as possible without flame-out due to low airspeed.

  3. Which is precisely why you bind their open/close controls to a Custom Action Key (1...9 keys) so you can ONLY OPEN THEM above 18k meters by pressing the appropriate action key, and up there, where air is thin, drag is negligible, and your jet engines can enjoy more operation time.

    I've been leaving them all open to simplify things for myself, but I'm sure there are still ways to optimize the ascent.

    It is critical that you close the intakes when escaping the atmosphere, otherwise the drag will prevent an orbit.

  4. Last night I began a game using RemoteTech. I made extensive use of MechJeb2.

    I first put two relays into geostationary orbit ( ~.5m/s surface vel. ) so that Mission Control can be reached no matter Kerbin's rotation. These are manned missions until a suitable network is established or I get the hang of remote control maneuver nodes.

    Next, I put a comsat relay around the Mun, landed on the surface, and returned the lander. Then I put the next mission with 3 rovers and an additional satellite in 3Mm Kerbin orbit.

  5. Download

    Dres 8H - Space Lab with delivered payload.


    Dres 8R - Lifting off.


    Dres 8R - Escaping Kerbin atmosphere. video [6:20]


    Dres 8R - Switching engines on too early during reentry. video


    Dres 8S - Satellite Launcher in SPH



    8H - Cargo Lifter ( empty )

    8H - Space Lab

    8H - Space Tug

    8R - Extended Range ( 300km Kerbin Orbit )

    8C - Crew Rated

    8S - Satellite Launcher

    Flight Instructions:

    Horizontal Take-off: Cut Throttle ( X ), Stage to release clamp, Stage to activate engines, shutdown rocket engines ( 3 ), throttle up jet engines, at 100m/s ground speed begin controlled pitch up to 70deg.

    Vertical Take-off: Activate jet engines ( 1 ), full throttle and allow jet engines to spin up, stage to release clamp.

    After: Fly up to below 24km altitude, pick up as much orbital velocity as possible ( ~1.4km/s ), enable RCS, activate rocket engines ( 3 ), close intakes ( 2 ), shutdown jets ( 1 ), pitch to 45deg and burn to escape atmosphere.

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