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Everything posted by deathbane

  1. safety is in the design the better the design/retrofit the safer it is, and whats cheaper then already having the parts in orbit all that need to be done is send a metaphorical tool box +having the Canadian robot arm would help a lot too
  2. so your saying engineering,retofiting and building a ship to be built in mind of useing iss parts would cost more then 50 billion (half the cost of the iss because i dont see using every single piece use in the construction) over building a brand new ship from scratch
  3. so in the year 2020 when the iss is decommissioned then what through it away... im just saying some of the Components can be reused, evary thing reused is one less thing needing to brought into orbit and as for the engines we have nuclear(politics aside) and ion or some sort of electrical based propultion, i mean the solar panels on the iss right now produce around 6 to 8 kilowatts
  4. Too complicated?...really? When it comes to engineering humans hit the mark i mean look to your left.... Now look to your right.... I can almost geuss with a 90% certinty thay what ever you saw requierd a engineering marval of some sorte And acceleration would not be a problem because the ship would be moving at a snails pace remeber its about dv not thrust The only problem i can see would be radiation and the only thing i can come up with is eather 1 water 2 lead based paint or 3 a big effing magnet
  5. From my understanding we allready have the compartments in orbit with a little rearanging and some fule we have a space ship to mars with half the cost
  6. well speaking of silicon based life. if humans ever created A.I would that in its self be consiterd silicon base life
  7. this space plane can easaly get into low kerbin with ease controols 1 toggle air engines 2 toggle arospike please comment and enjoy
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