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Everything posted by fede16071995

  1. still here i bought the game way back in 0.17 addicted ever since. really waiting 1.1 to come out and start playing again.
  2. here is my latest creation let me know what you think. FULLY STOCK
  3. i'm in. already have a base setup that could be adapted
  4. RCS, on minimus is so easy to have enough trust to lift things and 8 RCS ports will do the job. also, the lv 909 is capable to put the fuel storage into orbit using very little fuel (you end up with one full orange tank and 650 units of RCS) so my next step will be to build a space station around minimus to refuel my missions. - - - Updated - - - i completely agree with you on the fins, the reason why i putted them there is that otherwise the rocket would flip out of control once i ignited the second stage.
  5. - - - Updated - - - i edited the post, the only thing is that bringing big stuff like this to minimus is pretty hard, the rocket has a tendency to flip. i solved the problem by changing the ascending path a little bit.
  6. here we go, my first creation on the forums! It's a big mining station with surface to low orbit transport for fuel. completely automated no need to put kerbals in danger. It's still being built and i will post more pics as the construction goes on. Here what the station will gain in the future: more storage for ore and fuel as well as a place for some kerbals to live and start to explore minimus and the rest of the system. let me know what you guys think of it! phase 1 complete, now i need to add the living quarters for kerbals. this is the rocket i used to get it to minimus :
  7. i'am missing the drill in my parts list in game.
  8. hi, good mod i really like it. my only problem is that the secondary pair of chutes does not have a texture and it seems that they don't have a deploy animation, is that right or its just me ?
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