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Shadow Lane

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Everything posted by Shadow Lane

  1. You know, the thing is that a missile as powerful as eight SRBs is still as heavy as eight SRBs.
  2. No, because Macey Dean holds the rights to spin stabilizing. Currently playing with defensive plasma weaponry.
  3. No, that was a reference to my second armor prototype, which was scrapped due to an inability to reinforce the plating and weight issues.
  4. The original command pod. The fact is that I would, but I'm a terrible pilot, it doesn't matter that I can hit like a truck if I can't even keep that truck on the road towards the enemy. I snapped a Drek in one hit after I backed up far enough, but it also took me eight reloads to hit the damn thing, and I was so close that I had to target its orbit! In regards to your other statement, so many ideas have already been stolen that it seems a bit silly. For example, Daemons flappy-powered engine, using engines to deflect incoming projectiles, and connecting armor to trusses instead of fuel tanks. I will admit that some ideas may have been complete flops (using engines as defensive mechanisms, for example) or simply unsuited to my style of combat (literally every advance I ever made in armor plating), but I was seriously annoyed when the flappy engine was stolen because it was actually working pretty well for me. In summary, what I really need is a pilot.... Zekes?
  5. I love this plane, all terrain, not an ounce of fuel necessary, and it can achieve orbit.
  6. I cracked the armor on the most recent Drek with a low caliber round, it was smaller than a command pod. The missiles are oversized, the aforementioned round is smaller than a command pod and stronger than eight SRBs. And yes, I am jesting at it for using fuel.
  7. How many engagements has that ship flown in, how many has it lost in? In almost every engagement that happens to cross my mind, I remember The Drek. While it may be a bit primitive, judging by the fact that it still uses armor, ridiculously oversized missiles, and fuel, it's probably the most fielded ship on this thread. You said the favorite ship, not the best ship, and no matter how you look at it that thing is iconic.
  8. The Drek, Zokesia is the most powerful company on this thread, even though it's not the most technologically advanced.
  9. Yes, but they also have limited fuel capacity, and severe weight concerns. Phasing issues on Kerbin are MUCH easier to cause, so if a plane missed its shot or didn't have a strong enough missile, it's useless, and what if it ran out of fuel at the wrong moment?
  10. Personally, I want to see how planes might shake up the average tank battle.
  11. The thing is that phasing issues are very, very easy to cause. Also, increasing the weight causes the missile to hit harder if you're close enough to the target, so determining the exact ratio of distance to weight could make missiles much more effective.
  12. I've tested it, the only reason that a missile with a ram is more effective than a missile without a ram is because a missile with a ram is heavier.
  13. I tried a ram, but the speed of impact caused it to vaporize the body of the vessel and send the engines spinning off randomly, so I blunted it.
  14. I finally destroyed it. After all of these firings, I've learned something. It's not how powerful the missile is that matters, what matters is the distance you fire it from.
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