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Shadow Lane

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Everything posted by Shadow Lane

  1. Velocity is more important than mass, because it gives you armor penetration, but if you get going too fast you have to deal with Hyperspeed Syndrome, therefore, a balance must be struck.
  2. Me and my partner have been experimenting with a different mechanism to produce the same effect, but it has proven ineffective.
  3. Alright, why would you have to deal with fragmentation on a missile?
  4. Please define: "Bullets", please define: "Gun", I am sorry, I do not wish to offend you.
  5. I'm on an IPad right now, could you please simply explain it to me? Please define: "Ammunition."
  6. Please define: "No fragmentation of the ammunition."
  7. No, they're less efficient, you see them as being more efficient because you're using less fuel. But, you're getting less effect because the bullets are too small and because it becomes much less efficient the farther it's being pushed away from the engine. But, at the same Time, because it's more efficient, more powerful, the closer that it is to the engine, it turns into a big mess which would just bounce off of the enemy plating if it wasn't so broken that it failed to hit them to begin with. The only thing that makes it more efficient is the fact that the engine doesn't have to push itself, nor does it have to push any fuel, but pushing itself and the fuel increases the mass even if it does decrease the speed which means it all works out anyway. You simply see the projectile going faster and assume that it makes it better when it really doesn't, you're just using less fuel to get less of an effect, all the while making a horribly inefficient and impractical weapon that should never, ever be used by anyone ever.
  8. I'm scrambling to rebuild by aerial fleet after I lost most of it in the update.
  9. Http://static.fjcdn.com/pictures/Grammar+Twilight.+I+didn+t+plan+to+make+this+but+since_7865be_3384562.jpg.
  10. I have the hardware, but I need someone to help me with it because the ReadMe isn't good enough, alright? You don't need wings if you get the missiles going fast enough.
  11. All of these are terrible ideas, so use them, that way you can never produce better missiles than me.
  12. It's not that dangerous. I tried following the ReadMe instructions but had trouble finding out what my IP-Equivalent was.
  13. They probably had Hamachi turned off. Make sure that your firewall is OFF and not just allowing Terraria and all related programs through.
  14. You'll all need to download Hamachi yourselves, and while I have the hardware, I can't figure out how to actually set up the server. If Mister Daemon could help me with that, I could make it work.
  15. It is compatible with Windows 7, the person running the server just has to disable their firewall whilst they run the server, I've done this before.
  16. Evidently no one here has run a Minecraft Server before, there are alternatives to port-forwarding, like Hamachi, everyone go download Hamachi, unmanaged. No one has made it work yet.
  17. Building murderous planes is relaxing, when are we going to do that aerial battle; I want to test this thing out.
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