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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. i got a weird issue i hope one of you may have encountered. just installed the latest b9 pack for .21.1. Played quite a while last night, game loaded no issues. Came back today to get my ksp on and ksp gets stuck at its loading screen. usually seems to stop on a squad part but i know thats conincedence as what really happens is the screen stops refreshing. well, the odd thing is that if i remove all the b9 related stuff the game loads up just fine, consistantly. i encountered this twice now. i'm curious if anyone else has seen this? could be a particular plugin that b9 is using? maybe cached files somewhere, i dunno..
  2. i dont suppose there is any way to use these as IVA guages? probably just scews everything up with the models but the idea sounds cool.
  3. kinda lame really considering what they bring to community.. where as all these youtuber's are given early access to uhm.. make a video.
  4. spherical tanks. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/30673-0-20-0-Spherical-Fuel-Tank-(v1-6)
  5. you'd think so but it all evens out really.. burn fuel landing.. mine, refuel itself.. then refill its kethane tank and head back up.. it only takes a couple of trips to fill the tanks on the mothership.. besides, its something to actually do.. other than just float around.
  6. So, I've posted these on a google+ group, aptly named Kerbal Space Program but wanted to post them here cause well.. i'm proud of these designs and enjoy sharing them. This is the Kethane Egg. Nifty little lander designed to mine kethane and either convert for its own use or deliver to the Fuel Depot for later processing. https://plus.google.com/photos/112641351938774591545/albums/5887732147947619153 This is my kethane recovery platform. But i guess technically you could use it for some serious deep space travel. She uses the kethane egg as its 'harvester' and can do her own conversion as well.. docking can be a little hairy but pretty happy overall with this design. still have some ideas for it like detachable probes or perhaps a maned lander! https://plus.google.com/photos/112641351938774591545/albums/5895524415914310913 Also in the above albums you can see my Fuel Depot, Nuclear powered kethane converting beast... I have one orbiting pretty much anywhere I have mined or am planning to mine for Kethane. Sorry I dont have its own album, but there are plenty of shots in the two above to get a good view of it. https://plus.google.com/photos/112641351938774591545/albums/5886370620515638641
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