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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Someone made a mod that turned some textures into mirror like surfaces. i wonder if someone could make a mirrored visor for all those UV rays out there.
  2. All I want is co-op. One other person in my universe and they can work out of the second KSC and we could have a space race. That is all. Thank you.
  3. Kudos to the creator and the creator of the internet, Al Gore. What more could be procedurally generated in such a great way?
  4. Anyone else getting an issue with the Mark 4 where once you come to a stop the fastest it will go is now 1.0 ms. First they didnt even work so i reinstalled and now they work at first then they become governed at 1ms. Edit: Ok they still don't even work right except the Mark 5. I can't even get any others to move forward or anything. I can turn with the Q and E keys but that's it as far as movement. I was so looking forward to these for the last month.
  5. I'm running Windows 7 and all is good now that I removed MuMechlib.dll. I might not have even needed the PART {} wrapper in the cfg file.
  6. Looks like MuMechlib.dll was causing my issues. No more hang ups but DRBallbearing didn't load in the game but atleast I got my wheels back.
  7. Installed mechjeb2 and it still freezes when loading DRBallbreaing. Mechjeb2 only came with MechJeb2.dll. No Mumech.dll.
  8. The meanest Kerbal to have ever lived. The invader named... Zim.
  9. I just want to be able to plant a flag at locations I've landed at.
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