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KSP2 Release Notes
Everything posted by Jenkinz
I think DocSnuggles wins.
Challenge #51 Complete Total Kerbals lost: 1 Vehicles lost: 6 Extra-Kerbin landings: 3 The Manticore 2 has performed a 350m/s retro burn, and the KSC has marked the date of the apoapsis with a big red felt pen on the biggest calendar they could find. 27 days away! Jeb was thrilled to be reunited with his friend Bill. On their way to the beach north of the KSC, they stopped by the remains of Bill's old Horizon space plane to retrieve what was left of the duct tape. They alerted the Kerbal wrecking crew of it's location and they promptly removed the bits from the lawn. Unfortunately, it was dark by the time they reached the beach and the rover had run out of power. A few more images at the link: http://imgur.com/a/KMFVh Next challenge: The Link-Rover Mobile Base is just sitting around, and the probe computer is starting to become self aware after all that time thinking. Construct a vehicle to bring at least 2 Kerbals to the Link-Rover to quell the inevitable rebellion. The landing vehicle should be on wheels and able to dock with the Link-Rover. https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_TiHboEU4cOZEcxek1pNktBaWc/edit By the way, I just tried to fly the Soyuz to check out the cool looking spot it was landed and it explodes violently every time I load it. Says a few parts collided with the surface in the mission stats. I didn't attempt to switch to it until after I completed and uploaded the last challenge, so it's still intact in the file above. Is this just me?
Part 1 Complete! Total Kerbals lost: 1 Vehicles lost: 6 Extra-Kerbin landings: 2 Bill was excited that someone finally came to pick him up off the runway, but was again disappointed when it was a remote controlled rover with a note taped to the door. Dear Bill, this is very expensive, so don't break it! We're not sure why engineering decided to install enormous jet engines, Leonard Kerman thinks that might be dangerous to use. Buttons 1-3 turn on the various lights. 4 extends the ladder. 5 and 6 will raise and lower the front and rear landing wheels independently. 9 opens your solar panels and 0 toggles your communications. We'd prefer if you just left those on so we can tell you what to do and stuff. -Kerbal Space Command Bill and Jeb's Excellent Adventure! Drive Bill's rover to the Manticore nearby and pick up Jeb for some adventuring! https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_TiHboEU4cOdlM4VDFkNVNiUFU/edit
Challenge Completed Total challenges completed: 45 Total kerbals lost: 1 Total lost vehicles: 6 Total planetetary landings: 3 Bill took a detour past the Mun on his way home. This saved him a little dV, which is always nice. With great luck, he entered the atmosphere right above the KSC! Unfortunately, upon touch down of the runway, the extremely tail-heavy space plane flipped wildly out of control. Using every bit of training, experience, and sheer will he had, Bill was able to bring the craft down gently enough to survive the crash. He raced back 1.4Km on foot to the KSC hoping to see his wife, but forgot that it was Thursday and Thursday is her weekly Bingo! day. The space plane was very easy to control in a straight line. With EVER so gentle nudging you could steer it, but any sudden jerk caused irreversible spins. This one took forever, sorry for the delay. The first pic is of my first attempt. I actually ended up coming in before the KSC and flying up to it, and touching down on the runway was something to behold. I'm not too great at landings and getting that to even get close to the runway was a huge victory for me. Sorry I smashed your plane! Next Challenge: This should be pretty easy. There's a Garbage Truck on the launch pad. Put it into orbit and rendezvous with the Charon's debris. Using the claws, grab the tank and deorbit it. Leave the truck in orbit for later cleanup. 1 and 2 will open/close the claws. I've found the G key doesn't always respond quickly. 3-5 turn on the various lights. Tip: This craft is very stable and easy to maneuver, but obviously balance is thrown off when you push things. Use just a little thrust and it should stay stable enough to easily keep it in a straight line. Don't use time acceleration since it kills physics and any object you capture will fly away. I tested this out several times and it works marvelously. Good luck! https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_TiHboEU4cOR3BfemE1TDhJeUk/edit
By the way, I completed the mission, but it's a page back There definitely is something wrong with the save file provided for your docking port node. Nothing wants to attach properly to the object although I assume that file is just for reference. It's just a Probodobodyne QBE probe body with 5 small docking ports on all but the top then flipped on its side. Still, I'm sorry you're frustrated that we aren't all thinking the exact same way you are, but I thought that was part of the fun of this challenge.
Mission Complete... Kinda! The Escape Pod module achieved orbit and rendezvous with great efficiency and ease. During the undocking sequence with the launch vehicle, however, a malfunction occurred leaving the pod cluster without RCS power. Fuel tanks read 100% and SAS torque is available, but no thrust. Fear not! Kerbal Space Command responded swiftly, re purposing the escape pod launch vehicle to carry a Space Tug and a large dockable RCS fuel tank to the station. It is currently floating a few hundred meters from the Act Duna Core, ready to clean up the mess. Mission Objective: Use the Space Tug to clean up the construction site! First, attach the large RCS tank and launch vehicle to the Act Station. The LV has probe power and can do this on its own. Transfer the liquid and oxidizer to the ACT station and de-orbit the LV, leaving the RCS tank on the station. Use the space tug to retieve the Pod cluster and bring it to the station. Bonus! Bring the other launch vehicle to the station and transfer its fuel in as well! File: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_TiHboEU4cObUpwdzNHRzluak0/edit
Act, I did my research and figured out how you had your staging. That wasn't the issue. The problem was that the mainsail engines would fly off randomly. Sometimes in the first 5000 meters, sometimes over 60000 meters. I tried it at LEAST a dozen times with the same results. I'm sorry I upset you. That was not my intention, but to put your station core into orbit, I had to make the modification. You are welcome to fix my error yourself later if you like. I figure, you have a zillion docking ports on that bad boy. What's an extra mission or two to give it some engines?
Mission Complete! Total challenges completed: 39 Total kerbals lost: 1 Total lost vehicles: 5 Total planetetary landings: 1 After failing numerous simulations by the KSP, the Act Corp. launch vehicle designated to carry the Act Corp. Duna Core into LKO was deemed a physical anomaly that could not be tamed. The launch officials decided to use a more simplistic approach (while retaining the schematics for the Act LV) and have successfully delivered the payload to the mission specified altitude. MunSat Mk1 has been captured and placed into a circularized 200Km polar orbit. I was going to ask that the nuclear engine module that carried the MunSat be repurposed elsewhere in space as it has plenty of fuel. However, I failed to attach a docking port, sooooo.... Challenge: Kerbal nuclear physicists would like to see the effects of a nuclear meltdown on the Mun. Crash the rocket on the surface in such a way that the parts are not obliterated, and please send back a picture of the engine on the surface for research purposes. Save: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_TiHboEU4cOZWZBYVFUNzd4blU/edit Apologies for the delay. The Act Corp. launch vehicle was insanely unstable and I deemed it unfit for flight. If someone would like to take it on, by all means do. The craft is still saved in the VAB. I just did what needed to be done to complete the objective.
Mission Complete! With one giant leap, Bill traversed the Minmus terrain with relative ease. Safely aboard his ship, he was able to begin the necessary repairs using the emergency roll of duct tape under his seat. Mun Base Beacon has landed within the darkest region of the largest crater on the Mun. It lights a fire in the hearts of the brave kerbalnauts that pass by. There is a lack of communications satellites orbiting the Mun. I have left one on the launch pad. Please do kindly begin a Munar transfer. Save: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B_TiHboEU4cObDRDcV85dHFVNlE&usp=sharing
Well, at least I'm not crazy.
I can't possibly be the only one becoming annoyed with having to scour through my ever-growing parts list. Would it be too much to ask for a mod that would allow new part categories? Perhaps a drop down menu that could contain any number of user created part groups? If I'm missing this @ the Space Port, please don't hesitate to scold me for my ignorance. If it doesn't exist, then I challenge you brilliant mod creators to work your coding magic and make this no-brainer "must have" mod for people who have extra parts! Thanks!