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Everything posted by Nabiscovinco

  1. So I did some digging; try increasing the sound normalizer threshold. I increased mine from 1 to 2 and it fixed my problem. Although since your sounds are a bit too loud, decreasing it might work.
  2. Just got back into the game after a hiatus, and noticed that, when launching rockets (for example) the sounds of the rocket engines are completely muted. Other sounds (background music, support clamps detaching, etc) are still there, but not the rocket engines. None of the volume options in my settings are turned down to zero, so I don't know if there was some update I missed or if it's just a glitch. Thanks!
  3. So I decided to dive into the realm of Remote Tech. Reading THAT thread, I found out there is a way to remove the signal delay, which I want to do. It says the settings config file is created once KSP is started. However, after starting KSP, and double checking the Remote Tech file, the settings config file is still not there. http://remotetechnologiesgroup.github.io/RemoteTech/guide/settings/#alternative-rules <--- The page describing how to get to the settings file. Thank you in advance
  4. I played around in the space plane hanger a little bit. Fast foward an hour, I now have a Munar-orbit rescue mission to plan.
  5. I don't know if this counts as a failure considering it got into space and got back in one piece but.... I launched my shuttle thing to deliver a part to a space station. The RCS stopped working mid-docking (tip: sometimes caps lock does things). After approx. 10 minutes of stressing, I released the payload from the pay and docked that, then EVA'ed some crew over to the station. On deorbit, however, I ran out of fuel, spun out of control, overshot KSC by 100+km, and limped another 100ish km across an ocean to an island using the rest of my RCS fuel (I figured out the whole caps lock thing here) and somehow landed on a hill.
  6. I tried to send my Munmark I to the Mun (it started as a one launch Apollo style craft, but that failed on ascent many times so I sent it up in two launches) What probably went wrong was me using the leftovers of the ascent stage as a transfer instead of the actual transfer stage I built. (Sidenote, the new mega rocket part thing is a little powerful). Anyway, the docking port flexed a little and created a pretty space cloud of debris. But Jeb was flying it, so the crew managed to survive (and come home since the return portion managed to come out intact and they didn't leave Kerbin orbit yet)
  7. 1. THIS 2. "It's not draining asymmetrically." *stage* "Just a little shaking OHMYGOD WHAT IS GOING ON" - I say as ship spins itself apart
  8. "Let's spin to the LEFT. Now let's stop spinning to the LEFT. Why aren't we stopping spinning to the LEFT. Stop spinning to the LEFT." *Unmanned refueling ship runs out of electric charge and crashes into space station*
  9. I was thinking that, so I'll probably do some manned missions to test them out. It'll give me a good chance to re-test a Mun tug.
  10. So, I'm in the "process" of building a Mun-base. As of now (like five minutes ago) I finished landing the last of the scout probes I sent yesterday. (sidenote: Make sure probe's landing legs extend further down than the engine) Every probe landed on hills, which would not be good for a base. Is there a good way to figure out where the best place is? I.E, dark spots on the surface, bottom of craters, the poles, a random spot on the dark side of the mun, kraken lair, etc Thank you
  11. I made an SSTO for the first time, that.. did the whole "get to orbit without explosion" thing; the new engines are fantastic. I also managed to dock it, which is another accomplishment as it was the first sideways docking I did (using one of those inline docking ports). I know either have to evacuate my current station and start over, or do a massive redesign considering the docking arms are over the solar panels, so they are less then useful. Or I can redesign the SSTO. Alas, I need to wait for Christmas break to do major work.
  12. All wonderful suggestions! Thank you! It's probably the fact there is a small satelite attached to the top (my justification is it is going to Duna, but considering I only made the interplanetary jump twice... I'm counting it as inexperience).
  13. Hi! So I've been launching a series of Duna probes (2) but each time I've launched them, the rockets have been vibrating rather violently. It's to the point of unacceptable. Strangely, it's only the mainsail. Anyone else struggling with this?
  14. Today, I actually made it to Duna! Which is pretty sad, considering I've played this game for a very, VERY, long time, and this is my first interplanetary voyage. I also learned I need to practice my intercepts, because sidescrapping Duna, then having to go from ~2600 m/s down to nothing, then back up to 83 m/s is rather.. stupid. But considering I have a probe around Duna, I'm happy. Now I have to do the whole "get back to Kerbin" thing...
  15. Mine just (by just I literally mean less than 5 minutes ago) was the first person to reach my new space station!! However, he is also the first to destroy a solar panel on the new space station, and may soon be the first to go skydiving. From space.
  16. Have you tried putting a probe body (and rtg's or solar panels) on the science thing, and do it that way? I've tried goofing around with drop things, and that is how I get mine to work.
  17. Seeing as I play without orbital debris on, not really. HOWEVER, there was a crew transfer on a station which may or may not have resulted in about 20% of the solar panels to become disconnected from the station.
  18. 1. Welcome to the game! 1a. Judging by the amount of explosions described, you are well on your way to a sucessful, super violent and deadly space program!!! 2. Yeah, try sandbox. Career is still in development, and all the parts need to be researched. Just find a good Youtube channel or two and watch some videos. KSP is really a trial and error type game.
  19. *incoming stupidity* Nose cones actual make a rocket move better in the atmosphere now?
  20. Huh. Never thought about that, but probably. I'll check.
  21. Hiya! So I download Kethane, and am planning a base on the Mun. I already have a drill planned and rovers to bring the Kethane to the transfer rocket thing. The issue is the skycrane method of getting the drill onto the Mun. The stage BEFORE the skycrane works as it should, but then when the skycrane stage is activated, the thrust of its rockets makes the drill go DOWN instead of up (the thrust is backwards) So, naturally, I thought "Let's just flip the engines upside down! For science!!" (well, actually, I was thinking maybe the thurst is reversed, so if they are upside down it will slow it down) That really didn't work, but it made pretty fireworks. I'm stuck. I want to start mining soon, but I cannot figure out this engine thingy..
  22. Well, I tried aerobraking my interplanetary (went to the mun and back, ish.. sorta.. not really) ship around Kerbin, my first aerobraking. I 'probably' went too low, and spun violently out of control in the atmopshere. However, due to sheer skill and coordination, the habitation section had engines on it. I managed to transfer fuel to the empty fuel tank, detach the section while violently spinning at 25k meters at around 3,500 meters per second. Oh, and then I landed on Kerbin and saved all five on board. So yeah.. and then I tried relaunching a newly redesigned one, and the engine mod as SO FAR blown up 5 times on the launchpad.. before I even turn on the engines.
  23. Wow. I don't even know what an aerodyn is and I'm impressed.
  24. I know for a fact I have not tried this, but here is catch (I'm assuming). Firstly, how would you detach the payload? You would have to have the payload detach from both engine unit things. Secondly, you would have to figure out what you are going to do with both engines. Normally, I just have the RCS/solar panels/ASAS/unmanned probe core on the small transfer stage when going to my space station, then deorbiting it. So you you need to make both ends have something like that, or you would have to dock them together and deorbit them as one unit. Thirdly, getting into orbit. You could, seeing as you have two engine sections, you have twice the thrust. However, if you are creating boosters (especially on the upper engine section) how would they detach WITHOUT hitting anything on the way down? Sorry to crush your dreams, potentially, but I could see this being hard to do, but I'm bored, so I might try it. GOOD LUCK! (and post pictures if you make it work, I'd love to see!)
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