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    That's no Mun!
  1. Yea thats what i was thinking would work, only have a couple that are fully deployed so they dont cause too much of an initial tearing force, then keep opening more chutes so that you can land at a reasonable speed. Staging the chutes seems to be the answer to this
  2. Hey everyone, One thing that's always bugged me is, when is the ideal time to deploy your parachutes? I've taken the approach of deploying them whilst still in space, with the logic of: more time open in the atmosphere=more drag=profit. I find though that my ships are often cleft in two by the parachutes violently fully deploying. I'm starting to think that i might have parachutes on different stages and deploying them sequencially to reduce that sudden tug at 500m (on kerbin). Anyone else found a good strategy for chutes, or do you just release them in space as well? Cheers
  3. The KAS magnet is part of the Kerbal Attachment System. Basically its a tether to a ship, and at one end you have an electro magnet that will stick to other ships. My plan was to fire the magnet at other ships whilst its 'magnetising' so that it sticks on, hopefully with a result similar to this: http://youtu.be/3C3poU_0sK4
  4. yea it could be a mod, they always seem to be the cause of the problem. Mods i use are: Quantum Struts, KAS, Kethane, Lazer systems, SubAssembly Manager, and Chatterer. I had a lot of problems with using the Quantum struts on this plane, as activating them would cause the whole thing to spaz out and spin uncontrollably. The best analogy i have is imagine a sudden, unrelenting leg cramp, but on a space station. On the plus side, Kerbin now looks like a crappy Saturn.
  5. So i was looking through my tracking station, trying to find out where i needed to send ships to rescue Bill, Bob, and Jeb from the far flings of the solar system (since everyone ELSE at the centre is 'dispensable'), and i noticed one of my SSTO's on the Mun. I didn't remember flying one over to land on the Mun, since a jet engine on the Mun is about as useful as chocolate oven gloves. Looking closely at it, the tracking station says my plane is at the Kerbal Space Centre, when its very clearly in a crater on the dark side of the Mun. It even has 100% fuel, something that i definitely do NOT have when/ if my SSTO ever makes it to orbit. The last time i saw it, it was sitting comfortably at the real KSC, testing its scorpion style KAS magnet. (The idea was to leech off all of my semi-full debris tanks in orbit, the handy 'eject' feature on the winch means you can do it all from the safety of the cockpit). Have i found a top secret kerbal Mun base? Or some sort of magical portal that transports my perfectly happy terrestrial (kerrestrial?) planes? Or is this just random bug, and i should maybe grumble and get some sleep? I haven't heard of something like this before... Cheers!
  6. What is the stage action group then? i dont think ive ever used it at all, but being able to turn gimble without using an existing action group would definitely be handy...
  7. put your last action group there in the 'abort' action group, then press backspace when you're in a pickle. Frees up custom action groups, and thats what its there for
  8. I've been using these figures for the kethane probes, and they work pretty well. Sometimes though, i still get a few unique equatorial points (eg 10 for kerbin when scanning at 185). Wouldn't it make sense to make the polar orbits slightly elliptical, so that the extra distance the satellite has to travel disrupts any resonance it may lie on? I'm sure there's a mathematical way to predict it, but it gets confusing when not dealing with purely circular orbits. I've changed my orbit now to a 185km/205km orbit, and it seems to be working pretty well.
  9. I'm getting that awful feeling of 'now what?'.. Space station it is!!
  10. Finally got a kerbal on every planet and moon, heres all the publicity still. From the inside out: Moho Eve Gilly Kerbin Mun (with prototype flying rover) Minmus (with solar panels knocked off. Prototype flying rover need some adjusting...) Duna Ike Dres (with a 7 part ship) Jool's Moons Laythe (parachute landing, way to close to the water for my liking... Vall Tylo (had to use an emergency abort plan, but still managed to get Jeb down in one piece ) Bop (RELEASE THE KRA.. oh.. wait.... Who forgot to feed the Kraken?) Pol Eeloo Heres a couple of snapshot of the tracking station, since alot of these photos contain jut sky and a bit of ground... Don't drink and fly kids When you're on a two year misson to Eeloo, sometimes you just gotta sit back and enjoy the ride. Total mission time: 13 years, 236 days. Tylo and Moho, you are a pain in my butt... Seems like it took forever to complete, now to launch the rescue missions to save all those stranded Kerbals
  11. No decouplers or staging allowed, but only a 100 point deduction for a damaged craft. That gives me an cunning plan...
  12. I've been using that site, absolute life saver. Just tried my first attempt at landing on Tylo, after landing on Vall first. Holy damn its hard...
  13. So what's the amount of extra kudos for placing a flag on every body? No flag, no country (http://youtu.be/UTduy7Qkvk8). And if MechJeb is out, i'm guessing the Laser systems for planetary angles is out as well? I've been cutting triangles out of card and holding them up to the screen ..
  14. Hi all, I've been a long time reader of the forums here, and thought it was eventually time to finally poke my head out of the darkness and say hello . I've been playing for a few months now, and after an extremely steep learning curve i think i can finally fly without inexplicable explosions most of the time now.. I'm doing a PhD at the moment designing drilling tools for mars, so i can at least pretend any time spent playing this awesome game classifies as 'research'... (Kethane drilling anyone?? ). After attempting to clear out all my outdated mods with the 0.20 release (resulting in an accidental wipe of everything I've done so far), i've now decided to go all out and attempt Zekes' KSP Grandmaster challenge, putting a Kerbinaught on every celestial body. Expect an update on that at some point in the future. Finally, a quick question. When putting flags down, has anyone else found that they can point it only in one of two directions? Are they only able to go east to west, and is there any way around this? Cheers everyone!
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