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  1. im finally done with the deep space tanker "Dairy Cow" i had trouble with the launcher. so i made a less efficient one (you can upgrade to a better one. but there is too much d/v to care about that) it have 3 orange tanks. 2 for getting there. and 1 to unload. with the 2 tanks alone. it have about 5000 d/v when in orbit. with the last tank. about 9000 it also has the double amount of RCS required. [download link https://www.dropbox.com/s/lki5l9vih30yhcy/Dairy%20Cow%20-Space%20tanker-.craft BTW. Congrats to me for getting to Jool for the first time
  2. well. you cant launch from Kerbin since an ion engine is too low power to even lift itself. even without adding power or xenon
  3. DCMS "Viking" the reason being that Vikings did alot of travelling. they discovered Greenland (hence why it is called Greenland. because it was more green at that time. it was warmer) Iceland and even America -500 years before Columbus- update on the Fuel tanker "Dairy Cow" i have made the ship itself but im having trouble with the launcher. i figured that i would need to launch it in 1 piece and it should not need to be re-fueled in orbit because it should be launched at every available window. and should not be a major part of the mission. altough it has ended up looking a bit "Capital like"
  4. it is possible to escape kerbol orbit. i have done it with a Nuclear/Ion hybrid
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