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  1. Can't tell you how happy I am to have this pack back. I've been beside myself without the octagonal trusses, and solar arrays. Thanks for your effort and a great add-on!
  2. I'm new to the Kethane mod and having a similar problem. My mining rig consists of a scanner, tanks and drills. I have confirmed i'm over a deposit, activated the drills but i get nothing. Is it neccissary to have a converter on the rig as well, or is there maybe something else i'm missing?
  3. I'm new to the Kethane mod, and having a similar issue. I have Kethane 0.4.3 and latest version of kerbal. My mining rig has tanks, drills and a detector, but i'm still not getting any kethane, is the converter neccissary to be on the rig to extract the resource? My plan was to mine with my mobile rigs, transfer the kethane to a processing plant and convert it there... Please help
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