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Everything posted by zilla59

  1. Ya know, from a quick glance, i thought that thing was a pelican from halo, but it was backwards, sooo yeah.
  2. Ugly?!?!?! The heck you talking about? That looks awesome!
  3. Yeah, i guess i'll sign up for the time being.
  4. Since i'm a noob at this site, and not a noob at KSP, just look at the link i have to my FB account and you can look at the pictures. Oh, and trust me, this thing is awesome! https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.383992311718880.1073741829.100003243420860&type=3&uploaded=10 This Ship has about 200 to 350 parts and if you have a computer like mine, and more than that and the computer will commit suicide ( just like those kerbals you decided to pick for your next mission) So, this ship uses parts that even come from the Star Trek mod(the reason I got that is because i am a Star Trek Fan). Parts from the Lazor system and MechJeb. and a lot more mods. If you like the Ship and want to know the mods then i will give you a list I will also post a Craft. file for you to download if you want. zilla59, out
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