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  1. Hi, really keen to try the new version of the Pegasus. I notice that the kerbalspaceport version is still v2.1 Is there anywhere else I am able to download v2.2? Thanks in advance!
  2. Hi all, I'm in the early stages of Mun exploration, and have a few questions I'm hoping some of the seasoned vets can assist with! I've set up a Mun orbital outpost at 150km and plan to use this as my staging point for conducting multiple descents and ascents using the stock 'super heavy lander'. My first descent/ascent, conducted with MechJeb, left me out of fuel about 4km from the outpost, and I was a bit marginal on monopropellant by the time I got to docking. So I've been analysing why things didnt work, the first thought is that my Munar orbital insertion has left me with an orbital inclination of 180 degrees. I'm not sure if that's as big an issue as it is back on Kerbin but as I understand it, you're better off if your orbit is in the same direction as the roation of the body you're orbiting. So, Question 1: Should I sacrifice some of my fuel stockpile to to a 180 degree inclination change? My other thought was whether there's way to calculate a 'sweet spot' for the optimum orbital altitude to minimse fuel use on round-trips to the surface and back. Is anyone able to share a calculation or tool that does such a calcuation please? Finally I wondered whether the super heavy lander might actually be a poor choice of vehicle in the first place, and I'd be grateful for aynone's advice on better alternatives. Thanks in advance everyone! mark
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