Lets look at your group-like structure then with distinct left and right identities, and associativity. I feel it's a bit of an abuse of notation to use (-) for both the right and left inverses, because with two distinct identities a can have distinct left and right inverses. So to make things simpler to write out, I'll use juxtaposition as the operator and call R the right identity and L left identity. Then from what you used to define the structure: La = a = aR aa-R = R a-La = L So far this is all the same as what you wrote. We can't know what RL is from the properties we have here, it could be R or L or any other element since neither are acting as an identity in this case. (We could define it to be R as you did, but that's redundant because the rest of the proof shows that RL = R = L) So lets look at LR. LR = (a-La)R = a-L(aR) = a-La = L LR = L(aa-R) = (La)a-R = aa-R = R Therefore L = R, which is a contradiction. So a group-like structure (I'm assuming you mean any structure with a set and a closed binary operation on that set) with inverses, associativity, a left identity, and a right identity (doesn't matter whether the left is the same as the right) as described above by you is actually a group, and a group has a unique identity.