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  1. I like this idea. Add the same thing for budgets, later on.
  2. I propose a similar approach: When you lack delta V, add more boosters. When all else fails, add more boosters. When in doubt, add more boosters.
  3. I believe the plan is to add parts that survived the flight into stock when they are recovered. Ammount in stock is displayed next to part cost, so they do not exactly get destroyed. As Fulbert mentioned, rocket is easier to design and current set of in-game assets allows for relatively big yet stable contraptions, like lifting an entire space station on one go, something much more difficult when using space planes. Also, once economy and budgets are introduced, spaceplanes won't be that attractive in the early game. But who knows, they should both be equaly possible opportunities for players. "We're throwing science at the wall to see what sticks." --Cave Johnson, Aperture Science CEO
  4. I suggest adding a row of buttons to the UI to trigger the custom Action groups. Only assigned Action groups would show to reduce screen clutter. (Not necessary, hiding the bar like NavBall would suffice) Each button's appearance and behavior could be customized in Action group Editor. In terms of appearance, Color and icon could be selected. Icons could include engine icons, solar panels, various pictograms etc. The default would be a number icon. Behavior would include: normal - press to trigger, icon flashes toggle - press to toggle, icon stays lit - one press, Action group keeps being triggered, like parking brake. (Long press could behave like normal) visual toggle - press to trigger, icon stays lit - for actions that are toggles in nature, like toggle engine If posible, corresponding part would light up when hovering mouse over the button, like stage icons do. See attached edited screenshot. I suggest this because keeping track of myriad of Action groups configurations of already launched craft is difficult. Possibly, more GUI-only Action groups could be introduced this way, partially solving the issue of nearly fully mapped keyboard in KSP.
  5. While on the toppic of air, I would like to add that wind could make things more interesting. And some take-offs more cra-, I mean more spontaneous landings.
  6. I like this a lot. Perhaps it would be possible to allow some basic strings in names, like writing "ComSat -launchname-" in the VAB (via tweakables or something) and when launching, assign the launch name variable, like "Thomas". The resulting name would then be "ComSat Thomas" Also, since name could be saved per pod, a simple right-click option to make the pod primary (and thus name the ship after it) would be sufficient solution.
  7. This is a problem even on stationary vehicles on Kerbin. Kerbals won't even attempt getting up if the craft has not stopped completely. The walking mechanics needs a redesign.
  8. I've been entertaining this idea for a while, I am glad you suggested it. I guess something like that would be best. We could have the launcher work as the main menu and select the save before Unity loads all the data. Or disable files after they are loaded, perhaps against some all-stock whitelist of sorts, or select plugins respectively.
  9. Sounds almost movie like. It would be ideal for a trailer of sorts, or a short movie, but in my opinion, since one does not spend that much time in menu, a shorter start would be required. But if the music started playing during the initial loading, it might get there in time, if you catch my meaning. I kinda like it.
  10. When landing on a body without atmosphere, I mount the rover on top of the lander. Then I use RCS to jump down gently. I have so far encountered only about 30% failure unintended disassembly rate with this method.
  11. This would be quite a step towards carer mode in the long run.
  12. This is a good idea. Having a separate locked stage would also allow for in-flight adjustments of stages as well.
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