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Everything posted by bigmos

  1. When plotting maneuver node with mech jeb it says -158 while in kerbin orbit at 120k and does not do anything
  2. I have 4 in orbit 286000 orbit 90 0 2 at 45 so it looks like an atom receiver says zero sat visible...
  3. is it possible to make the missiles work in space
  4. quick question. Wheres the Bomb? I see 3 missiles.. thanks
  5. Hey guys I found the face, and the mountain, but when look for the third one I cant find it, and I used map stat and landed on it. Does anyone have the cords for it? Thanks
  6. eve is EVIL i have cratered many times. I finally am able to land but not take off
  7. IS THERE GOING TO BE AN UPDATE FOR 0.20.2 KSP? wont work
  8. I cant get the vector angles to show up when trasfering to a diff planet ???
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