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Posts posted by Dr.Goodbytes

  1. I've had a few iPhones and one Android phone. It was a Samsung Galaxy, and I'll never get another Android ever again. It was filled with worthless bloatware that could not be removed. It would crash constantly and I would have to reset it a few times every day, just to receive text messages. That phone caused nothing but headaches since the moment I tried activating it. I think a lot of the problems are caused by the fact that the OS and hardware are developed separately and then mushed together before being shipped.

    One the other hand, all the iPhones I've used worked wonderfully. I've owned an iPhone 3G, iPhone 4, and an iPhone 5s. I have not problems with crashing or incompatibilities and the bloatware is minimal. Also my 7 year old iPod still works like a champ, so I'll be sticking with Apple for the foreseeable future.

  2. It's more about CPU power than Graphics with KSP. I don't think you'll notice any difference between the two connections.

    Currently, my bottleneck is with the graphics. The GPU load during launch stays at 99% but the CPU usage stays around 20% and peaks at 25% during staging

    The connection to the monitor won't have any effect at all, it's the actual graphics output that determines the fps. You need to change the game's settings or upgrade your computer in order to make any difference.

    Well the graphics are set as low as possible, and my Proposed 2014 Gaming budget will only cover the cost of a VGA cable it it will help.

    but the capabilities of the hdmi interface far exceed the vga interface.

    Just out of curiosity, what are the benefits?

  3. I was wondering wondering if I could get a few more FPS if I switched from using HDMI to VGA to hook up my monitor. I know that the picture will no be a good compared to HDMI but I'm not really concerned with picture quality as I am with FPS at the moment.

    Currently I get about 15-20 FPS at launch with a ~200 part rocket, so any improvement would be helpful.

    My current specs are:

    Windows 7 64bit

    AMD Athlon II X3 450 3.2 GHz

    8.00 GB Dual-Channel DDR2 RAM

    NVIDIA GeForce GT 610

  4. That actually occurred to me last night. I started with about 10 mods, then I went back to vanilla when the singularity hit. But I'm already thinking about installing some of the mods such as Steam Gauges, FAR, and Tac Fuel Balancer.

  5. So I was messing around in KSP, mostly practicing getting in to orbit and some deorbiting tomfoolery. And after repeated reverts to launch, started to have issues with my rocket hitting some invisible water pipe.


    What foul magic is this?

  6. I spent a few hours building and testing a fuel truck with a robotic fuel probe on the front and a Kethane mining and coverting equipment on the back. I then slapped it on top of a rocket so I could refuel a stranded aircraft in the middle of the desert. The mission went great and I hardly had any problems. The landing was spot on... Spot on the top of the aircraft I was trying to refuel...

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