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Everything posted by Niels

  1. To my previous post I'd like to suggest making placeable strut end points connectable in VAB. I'm doing much construction with actual reusability and some of the vehicles have both stock strut reinforcments of decoupling parts and placeable end points to allow reinforcments after parts have been redocked. And thus stock end points stay there on my craft, keeping high partcount and doing literally nothing but looking gross. Also it'll be good to have ability to connect two cable connectors to each other with cable of optional lenght that can be choosen from presets in tweaking menu. Both in VAB and in flight. The cable length then stays constant. And of course I'd like to have cable collisions here too. No, one of my aims is to recreate Fulton recovery procedure, and make nets for some appliances.
  2. Can KAS cables support collisions? Could this be implemented as optional feature? Maybe via making cables to consist of N (10-20 for 50m cables) number of segments, which are treated as procedural parts?
  3. All mods that I'm using are downloaded just yesterday: 000_Toolbar BoulderCo DeadlyReentry ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads FerramAerospaceResearch HexCans KAS Keramzit KerbalJointReinforcement Kethane LifeSupport MagicSmokeIndustries ProceduralDynamics RealChute RealFuels RealismOverhaul RealSolarSystem RemoteTech2 Romfarer RPL_Tweak_Pack SovietEngines 1.0 StretchyTanks TreeLoader WarpPlugin Looked up any configuration changes for "probeCoreSphere". Apart from Deadly Reentry only Realism Overhaul, RemoteTech and RPL_Tweaks are changing part's cfg. But they are also changing cfg's for other parts that lack heat shielding and do not cause craft to be considered as travelling 400m/s relative to surface. Bug replicates only while manning command parts with built-in heat shielding. Addition of other shielded parts causes none of that.
  4. I'm installed bunch of mods including RSS, FAR and DRE. After first launch I've stumbled upon this After checking whole list of my mods I found out that this is caused by DRE installation on some of the pods and cores: Mk1 Cockpit Mk3 Cockpit Command pod Mk1 Stayputnik Mk1 Somehow this bug tied to the fact that said modules have heat shielding. If I build something with other modules and then take command from these shielded, then bug shows up again. Is there solution for this problem?
  5. Why add MP when you can use KMP Why add resources when you can use Kethane Why add anything Why pay for nothing .. and then mod gets dropped:huh: good thinking
  6. MP must be going AFTER resources and economy systems. That way it'll have a TASTE, a new level of competition. It's more fun to launch to the Mun ahead of your opponents to bring back some samples and/or materials for building something something and then some, not just spam for science and then separatron-bomb eachother crafts. Otherwise MP is just our money sent down the drench. But devs know better, r-right? (sarcasm)
  7. Too bad that Squad took approach of taking money from more people for the sake of taking more money (not for continuing the actual work on the game)
  8. Can this mod support a collision for pipes and cables? I was doing my take at Fulton Recovery when I found that there's no collision for cables. That's sad
  9. Sweet looking parts here, namely boxes, radiator panel and engine mounts. On a topic of engine mounts, could you make version whith 1.25 radial base, and make an animation for shutters (because other intakes on them are looking bad)?
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