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Everything posted by Drummerdude1099

  1. Plus it looks a whole lot easier to get to your extraterrestrial bases XD
  2. How do I delete this post? I made a new one with lots of images.
  3. Ok so here is my first thread on the forums . Well kind of. On the last one I couldn't get the images to work, but now I have a imgur account. What you see below is a Mun rover that I made for Jeb to ride around in. Delivery was pretty straight forward. It's pretty stable (as far as things on the Mun go), but it doesn't get over 20 m/s.
  4. After landing Jeb in a simple lander on the Mun, I realized he had no mode of transport! I designed this and flew it to him. If anyone likes it and wants the .craft, I can upload it. http://<iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/M8uXR/embed"></iframe>
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