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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. You guys inspired me to make my own. I think it turned out pretty well for someone who isn't very artistic at all!
  2. I can't see your RCS placement, so I can't help you there. Make sure you have selected the other ship as your target. Then, burn retrograde until you are basically at 0 m/s. Then point toward the target (the pink-ish looking icon on the navball) and burn very slowly towards it. Make sure you have RCS on to do this so you don't smash the ships into each other. After that, I find that pointing the two ships in opposite directions really helps. I line one up facing North and the other facing South. Then, using the RCS translation mode (or the translation keys, whichever you prefer), very slowly push the ships closer to each other. Once you get a hang of the directions, it is a bit easier. After you line up in the x and y directions, it's just a matter of coasting in to the docking port. Here's a video by Scott Manley. He's really good at explaining things, so maybe he will be able to help you out better than I can. http://youtu.be/AHkY3FusJIQ?t=9m49s
  3. After countless trips to the Mun, my first real planet was Duna. I feel like I almost cheated, though. I barely had any fuel left and the only reason I survived was because of the huge number of parachutes on my ship. Thank goodness Duna has an atmosphere.
  4. Squad, I just have to say thank you for this amazing, fantastic game. I bought KSP over a year ago with some of my friends. I can easily say the first week of learning to build a functional rocket was so intensely frustrating to me, but I just couldn't stop. Every day I spent hours with this game; figuring out the physics, optimizing my rockets, learning how to alter my orbits, etc. But the satisfaction of finally being able to step back and say "I know what I'm doing now" is one of the best feelings a game has ever given me. This game is by far my favorite game. There have been times where I've taken long breaks from it during school when I didn't have enough time, but I have never gotten bored. I always come back. It's addictive and fun and beautifully complex. Thank you for this brilliant idea of yours. KSP has challenged me time and time again, and the joy I get out of pulling off a mission is unparalleled.
  5. 184. I want to be able to micromanage everything about my Kerbals. As in I want to be able to select each Kerbal individually and view its hunger, thirst, and bathroom needs. Making a family would be nice too. And, since all of the Kerbals look the same, I think we should put a giant green diamond shape over their head when you select them. That way you can tell who you're taking control of.
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