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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Well its more about the play modes of kerbal, rockets or space planes, you don't really have any parts on scale to make normal planes. Also you might use rockets and stuff if you want, I didn't say you weren't permitted from going into space on this challenge. Even tho I cant really see how it will help you. But "almost space" is fine.
  2. Hello. I love making space planes, almost more than flying out with rockets. Cant wait til there might be cloud layers added in the game as well. However, I use two diffrent kinds of tests to benchmark how well my plane designs perform, so it hit me, I could make the shorter test into a challenge to see what other high performing designs other kerbal players might be able to come up with. So here it is. Build plane out of any stock parts even rockets are fine. No cheating in form of custom scripts and engine stacking allowed tho ofc. Use the plane to fly over to the mountains and pass the two tops as the video demonstrates, get back and lans on runway and see how low time you can get when plane stops. Im thinking of deviding this into 3+1 different leagues if there are many trying it: Small jet: less than 250 fuel Medium jet: 250-1000 fuel Large jet: 1000+ fuel Jumbo jet: 10,000+ fuel If you want to partisipate in the challenge it might be best to reply on youtube. But if you like me dislike googles forcing people onto google+ for commenting there I gladly look for replys here as well.
  3. so there was a place for that. I post it there instead. ty. edit. done http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/71257-Space-Plane-Challenge?p=998129#post998129
  4. Not sure if its a Fan work but I see it kinda like it since it involves an edited instruction movie. Anyways, the story is: I love making space planes, almost more than flying out with rockets. Cant wait til there might be cloud layers added in the game as well. Howevr, I use two diffrent kinds of tests to benchmark how well my plane designs perform, so it hit me, I could make the shorter test into a challenge to see what other high performing designs other kerbal players might be able to come up with. So here it is. If you want to partisipate in the challenge it might be best to reply on youtube. But if you like me dislike googles forcing people onto google+ for commenting there I gladly look for replys here as well.
  5. [Operating System]: Windows 7 [Memory]: 16GB [ASAS Trouble (Y/N)]: Yes [Mods installed, pre-patch]: MechJeb [Mods installed, post-patch]: Old mechjeb -> None -> New mechjeb [Description of problem (keep it short)]: Mostly noticeable with space planes, SAS on keeps vertical heading until you touch any tilt or turn key the nose starts to drop at once.
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