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  1. Are you using the same save file on the clean install? I had the same issue...then i noticed the metric crapton of debris ive left in orbit. So i set max Debris to 0 and suddenly all my lag went away. Could just be coincidence, who knows.
  2. Hey Henri, I too have been running the Deadly Reentry mod and in my experience have found between 25km and 30km to be shallow enough to, A: not burn up and B: not go back out into orbit. I rarely see temps over 4k. Another problem i have is the inflatable heat shield flipping me over when the drag gets high enough. By reentering between the 25 - 30 km range, ive found that yes, i do still flip over, but only after i have slowed down enough not to torch my kerbals. At that point i cut the thing loose and get the chutes out.
  3. Im totally gonna name one of my kerbals that. :3
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