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  1. ahappydude, Possibly - I'd have to play around a bit - because scale is part of the underlying system instead of the MechJeb - but theoretically it is possible. I've also stripped out all the MechJeb specific stuff from the DR package so it no longer conflicts with MechJeb 1.9.8 and is basically just a Servo package now. I've contacted r4m0n to see if he minds if I release it with the updates, or at the very least let me commit them to the main source code. Until I get word from him I don't want to release anything. Cheers, Yard
  2. zcaalock - just install 2.0.7, then install DR - it works fine.
  3. No - they can be used in conjunction -since they have different DLL's they can both be installed separately with no trouble. One is MechJeb2.dll and the other is MuMechJeb.dll As an aside - I downloaded the source for DR 1.3 and modded it to allow for individual servo speed configurations using a slider. I've attached a screen shot. Just wondering if this is something the author of the plugin would like me to provide / check in to SVN? It works flawlessly - just trying to figure out how to enlarge the editor window so it doesn't have a horizontal scrollbar and formats the GUI correctly. Unity GUI is something I haven't worked with much. Theoretically I could also make this UI slider part of the servo controls so you could adjust the speed on the fly during a flight - simple as pie.
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