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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I just want to know how to make a surface outpost for the contracts. Do the pieces have to be docked, or just near each other? The contract description never really covered that, and I never wanted to waste the funds trying to find out. Thanks for any help!
  2. So, I'm pulling a rescue mission. I had a manned capsule, and a satellite (When this happened, I was controlling the unmanned satellite). I got my encounter down to NaN, HOWEVER, at about 800m away, my manned capsule just exploded. I wasn't touching it, it wasn't near anything, it didn't have any engines(So it couldn't have overheated), I don't know what happened. I had lots of science in the manned one, and Jeb was flying it . Any idea what happened?
  3. When it says power, does it mean solar panels AS WELL AS batteries? I have every specification for mine, but no solar panels. The satellite is still alive, and everything but the power and antenna box is checked (I do have an antenna).
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