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Everything posted by Sundowner

  1. Same thing here, If I put one engine inside another, one will not work properly. Will consume fuel, give the FX, will generate electricity... but will not produce ANY thrust. I got confused by this and tested Cupcake designs that also suffer from this issue. Then I uninstalled the mod, and it all runs fine.Too bad, the effects are really great looking.
  2. Mechanical Engineer... working as SysAdmin ??? Yes, that router will hang on those three zip-ties, here's my calculations... no, four would NOT be better, it's inefficient! ;P
  3. Actually, it would be mandatory if we want Jeb to come back from the 'Kluna' (would personally prefer the Kearth also to be a moon of another planet ). It would be possible to get enough fuel to achieve lunar orbit, and come back, but landing... bringing all the fuel needed for the trip back to the moon surface, and back up to its orbit - some heavy cheating will have to be involved. Much easier to first have possibility to dock and undock from objects, put fuel storage on lunar orbit, and leave it there while we play with the lunar crash... err... lander. You know, like it was done 42 years ago Some game saving system would also be nice... no to redo the whole mission, when we crash to the fuel tank coming back from Kluna surface Sending Kerbals to their moon is a fun project, but for it to happen we need a lot of other content in this game.
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