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Posts posted by Scarecrow

  1. There's one that a lot of people seem to use, but I've never even tried it, and I can't remember what it's called, but it basically does everything for you.  A bit like an auto Jeb.  I've always felt that KSP has a lot it can teach you about space and Newtonian physics etc., and that by using an auto tool, it would remove some of that learning process, and thus some of the enjoyment from playing KSP

  2. Finally got round to flying the mission to complete part 2 of the challenge - Transport Ship




    Obviously based on the Space Shuttle, we have room for 12 tourists (1/3 of the capacity of my hotel) 4 crew, batteries, solar panel and 2 antenna (attached to the front and rear of the cargo bay)




    External tank jettisoned




    Final stage of docking approach








    No explosions so far, and looking good for a runway touch down




    Almost there, don't screw it up now Jeb.




    Home again.




  3. My entry for part 1.  I was going to do a multiple launch orbital structure, but decided to keep it simple.

    Has room for 36 tourists, each room is jettisonable and has independent de-orbiting boosters and parachutes in the event that the hotel has to be evacuated in an emergency.

    Crew quarters will accommodate 8 Kerbals, and there is also a lab/workshop/kitchen fitted for those odd job tasks.

    Battery capacity is 12,000 units, and there are 5 docking ports available.

    The communications array incorporates a good deal of backup capacity to allow our guests to stay in touch with their family/minions back on the surface.

    Current orbit is 260km.






    Jettison boosters




    Discarding the cargo fairing




    Orbit established, antennas and solar panels deployed, docking ports/airlocks extended and ready to receive visitors.


  4. 1 hour ago, kspnerd122 said:

    No, Making History saturn 5 parts do not get you points you lose 5 pts for using them your actual score is 195(you thought you got 5 points at 200 pts but you actually lost pts still you have best score so far.

    Didn't realise I'd used that - it's an old design.  Before that was available, all my Saturn V style craft used a capsule by Alcor, which is much better than the original standard 2 man lander capsule, and that's what I thought was on this one.  Probably would have lost points for using a mod capsule though.

    Would be a simple matter to add 2 drogue chutes for an extra 10 points, but I think I would only do this one again if I also added a buggy and small satellite for the additional points they also give.

  5. Mission completed in KSP v1.7.3

    The escape tower system works, it's a design I use on all my manned flights that use this capsule.



    Start +50     3 Kerbals +20     Launch Escape Tower +15      Saturn V Look-a-like +10



    And we're off



    1st stage jettisoned



    Interstage adapter jettisoned



    2nd stage jettisoned



    Launch escape tower jettisoned (bit slow on the screen capture to actually catch it flying off)



    Parking orbit burn (Munar insertion burn looks exactly the same)



    Path from Free Return Trajectory +10



    Free return trajectory shown from the Mun end




    MEM behind fairing and beneath CSM +5 and +20



    CSM docking with MEM +10



    MEM on it's way to the surface.  Bill drew the short straw and had to stay behind in the CSM



    I'm telling you Jeb, my eyes have always been better than yours, and that little blob down there is where we need to land.



    Told you!



    I think that qualifies for Land on the bright side, 5m from Monument and flag plant  +10, +20 and +5




    2stage MEM +20



    Orbital Rendezvous



    Crash MEM into Mun (yellow path) +5



    Service module jettisoned prior to re-entry



    Ocean Splashdown +5






    If my maths is correct, that totals 205pts

  6. On 11/19/2019 at 6:53 PM, AHHans said:

    I guess you are talking about the Illuminator Mk2. I don't have any problems changing the color of the light that is emitted by it. But the color setting only affects the  look of the objects that are illuminated by the illuminator, not the illuminator itself. (I.e. the dark or light square on the illuminator doesn't change color.)

    Yeah, I was really disappointed by that aspect when they introduced the ability to change the colour of your lights.  Being able to change teh colour of the lighting effect was cool, but I had some applications where it would have beenr eally nice to be able to change the colour of the light source as well.

  7. When designing a new Mun capable ship, I start at the last stage and work back.  If it's a single stage lander that is also going to return my Kerbals to Kerbin, I make sure it has enough dV to de-orbit from a Munar orbit, land, return to Munar orbit and then return to Kerbin.

    Once I have that bit sorted, my next step is usually an intermediate stage that will complete a circular orbit at Kerbin, perform the Munar injection burn, and then complete orbit capture at the Mun.

    The final stage is the bit that performs the take off from the pad and at least pushes the craft into a sub-orbital flight with an apo around 80km or better.

  8. No matter the orbit, I've never bothered with normal, anti-normal but just concentrate on orienting the docking craft correctly before translating as necessary to complete the dock.

    Unless you are taking an absolute age to complete your docking, the fact that the two craft will be in an almost identical orbit at the point of docking, you shouldn't see any relative movement in orientation between the two during the docking process.

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