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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Well, luckily, most of the plates I use to create the hull, are very light, so it shouldn't affect the center of mass that much. I think some alot of SAS should do the trick. I just hope it won't become authenticity vs. efficiency.
  2. Well, what I really want to do, is build a Galaxy Class (The Enterprise from The next generation) or an Intrepid class (U.S.S Voyager). I'll then use a launching stage to get it atleast out of the atmosphere. I want the saucer to be filled with fuel tanks, and I want to have a command center. Preferably also a nice hangar, and I could always design a type 2 shuttlecraft, or the Delta Flyer (Both small shuttecraft) to put in the hanger Compared to some things I've seen on the spacecraft exchange forum, this small Prometheus class is fairly simple.
  3. As a Star Trek fan, I decided I should attempt to recreate my favorite Starship class. The Prometheus class. It only took a few minor modifications to make it capable of atmospheric flight. (The fuel tanks in the front, to properly move the center of lift and the center of mass to the right place.) Over the next few days/weeks, I might be uploading more Star Trek ships actually capable of achieving orbit, possibly going to other planets, etc.
  4. Thanks for the help guys, it's actually capable of 'sailing' across the oceans now (with jet engines ). Yarr, let's do some pillagin'! Making upgrades to the ship is really hard, as its max speed over land is like 15 m/s, so it takes somewhat like 15 minutes to drive it to the water. But seriously, it floats! I am so happy right now.
  5. I did actually drive it down there. It instantly flips over because the center of mass is to high. That's also the reason it can't fly. Maybe if you remove the pole in the middle, but that removes the entire spaceboat aesthaetic.
  6. Hello, fellow kerbonauts! After a simple misunderstanding of the word "spaceship", the scientists frowned and began the project. Shortly after, "The Spaceboat" came out. After a series of failed tests the KSC agreed it was absolutely impossible to make the boat able to fly, and then sustain a balanced flight. After another test, it also appeared it could not be used to cross the oceans, as the ship would flip over in the water, due to a tragic balance issue. However, they also agreed the boat looks completely epic, and the boat will serve as the new face of KSC, and hopefully attract the required private investors or governmental funding to fund future space missions. "Sometimes one should just accept weird things exist" -Jebediah No save file will be included.
  7. Hi guys, My brother showed me Kerbal Space Program about 3 weeks ago, and I am absolutely enjoying the game. Although my rocket design is not perfect, I've been messing around with moonbases, landing on other planets and building some airplanes. Roleplay has really been an enjoying part of my game aswell. For example: Recently, my mission to Duna went wrong. The goal was to land a scientific rover on Mars to discover a good site for a potential Duna base, and then fly back to Kerbin. However, during the landing sequence, something went wrong, and the rover aswell as the rocket were damaged. The rover is now almost incapable of moving, and the rocket can under no circumstances safely launch. It just so happens, our brave Kerbonaut, Bob Kerman was inside the rocket. Thanks to a miracle, he survived. Instead of just restarting the mission, I decided to go ahead and begin a rescue operation. I've never been able to make a spacecraft that is able to fly to Duna, land, and get back. The last 5 days I've been busy attempting to save the brave Kerbonaut, and I've had several failed attempts (which I could talk about for hours ) at getting him back. Rather than just looking up a tutorial, I decided it would be more of a challenge to do it without one. Roleplay always seems to do well in Sandbox games. Anyways, I decided to join the forums, so I could share all of my epic creations and progress on missions similair to the above.
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