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  1. So i've performed a few dockings like this and its worked like a charm, definitely made everything easier. Thank you!
  2. I figured that the best way to dock would be to constantly switch between the two docking vessels and make sure they're both on course. Should i just face the docking ports towards each other and only control from one of the vessels from that point onward?
  3. I've noticed that from the probe/craft's POV it directs me to the correct docking port (with set as target). however, my station, despite changing control over to the docking port, still tells me that i'm off course, directing the craft towards the centre of the station. should i just ignore what the station's navball tells me and only line up the pro-grade/target marker on the craft? (obviously making sure the docking ports are facing each other). on a side note, my docking ports are all correctly set (i have docked before, with no difficulty except for circled ports).
  4. So i made an awesome space station which i'm able to launch into orbit around Kerbin. However, i'm having trouble with the docking ports which run parallel to the centre of the station. Basically what happens, I make an orbital rendezvous and the spacecraft and station start coming closer together. All good here. My problem occurs when the two craft come within a few metres of each other that I realize my space shuttle/probe is actually being directed to the centre of the station, not the docking port. I proceed to spend the next ten minutes trying to manually dock the craft without the navball and either give up or miraculously dock the craft. The problem ports are circled in red (station is fully symmetrical so problem is on both sides of the station) Is there a certain way around this? is my game bugged or do i just need to design my station differently? I also apologize in advance if this problem has been answered in a previous thread.
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