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Dr Rendezvous

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  1. Thank you both for your suggestions - protractor was new to me and seems interesting, and your links are very helpful Otis. Pleased to see Engineer Redux has now been updated, hurray! There is also a new mod that a friend of mine has posted in Spaceport that installs Engineer into all stock pods, which might be of interest to you too.
  2. Hi Guys, I'm finding that in 0.21 the Rendezvous data window in Engineer Redux is bugged. Am I alone in this? Is there a known issue I can fix myself? I need the Celestial Body Intercept Angle data - if I can't get it from Engineer Redux, will Mechjeb provide it? I'm unsure how to use MJ's Rendezvous Planner - when prompted to choose a target, how do I do that for a celestial? Thanks for your help
  3. I note the generally accepted 2800m/s to get into Laythe orbit from the surface, yet no matter how I try it I always need a lot more than that. Can anyone direct me to a decent tutorial on Lythe-launching that might show me how I'm messing this up? Thanks!
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