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Everything posted by Uberick

  1. The picture in the original post that contains the formula to calculate the ejection angle seems to be malfunctioning(bad link). . . Does anyone know what this formula is? Perhaps the original post could be amended to re-include it? Thanks in advance EDIT: Found the linked PDF halfway through that has the original equations. Original post should probably be updated to include the missing info, or link the PDF. P.S. This guide is brilliant, very informative, perfectly laid out. Doing things in a more manual fashion just makes landing on another planet more exciting:) Thanks to all involved in making this happen!
  2. I highly recommend these Gemini missions to practice docking, thats what got me started. Pretty much the only thing it doesn't teach you how to do is what always caused me trouble; stopping my ships "tumbling" end over end when I get to the final stage of docking them. (within 100m or so) Adopting a higher orbit is one way of making this less of an issue, but the real solution is well placed thrusters(around your CG) and using the i j k l keys to re-orient your ship as it's coming in.
  3. Mechjeb is awesome, if you use it for getting more data rather than actually "flying" until you get the groove of the game, that'll help you long term. After you're confident in your ability to do the things mechjeb does, letting a little automation creep in can make the game easier. . . usually by letting you get coffee while something's going into orbit
  4. I'd say that yes, I miss it, but it's time to move on.
  5. Images might help in analyzing the problem, but without that I would recommend: ADD MOAR STRUTS! if your rocket is just unsteerable it might be because it isn't stable enough, and the rocket is wobbling itself to death. To check, when you put it on the launch pad, does it wobble around or does it stay stable?(watch the nav ball) If it's wobbling on the pad, try adding some more struts. Try adding some canards to it, these can give you some control of your rocket in the ascent stage. Check your rocket balance, make sure that everything on the rocket is symmetrical. . anything that is imbalanced in even the slightest way is going to make your rocket torque one way or the other. Hope some of this helps man, happy launching
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