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Everything posted by TheFlower69

  1. I wondered if people had seen this, or if anyone was involved? http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/597141632/cat-a-thruster-for-interplanetary-cubesats?ref=category Thought it might be an interesting read if nothing else.
  2. Tried to take screen shots of some of my probes, but found that pressing f1 seems to do nothing. Worked out where one of my probes disappeared to. (It was on a sub-orbital trajectory, past Apoapsis, and I time accelerated while watching something else so I guess it crashed while my attention was elsewhere) Discovered the ribbon awards thread, and added my miniscule achievements to my forum sig. If I get the chance this evening I'm going to shoot for the Equatorial and Polar orbit bars for my ribbon
  3. Sorted it, now have a real ribbon for my sig! Big thanks to the guys who put this together, I wondered how people got those I took the liberty of keeping my sig text because I hardly have any ribbons for now
  4. Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are. I think you are high. We're all high here. Wait, no...
  5. Once got banned from rugby for fighting.......
  6. 7.3/10 You let a little kid outside without a spacesuit on?
  7. Make a scale model of Guam from sticks, soil and leaves, and burn your actual homework Why was next-door's cat in my house?
  8. The city where I live was scheduled to have the tallest residential building in the UK, but currently has a large hole in the ground with a couple of depressed looking builders in it
  9. I'll have to do some reading around this, sounds pretty interesting. Just from reading the first paragraph in the link to World of Lucid Dreaming it sounds familiar, like I've had lucid or 'semi-lucid' dreams, as I definitely had control over my own actions etc. The weird thing is these dreams are pretty often in one of the foreign languages I speak, but completely fluent, which definitely doesn't happen in real life!
  10. My username is also my IRL nickname, the majority of people know me as Flower or some variation of the same (Mr. Flower, Flo, Petal etc.). The 69 got added when I wanted to use the nickname in my first ever e-mail address. There will be an avatar at some point, however I need to find the time to make it and work out how to add it to a profile. I only just joined the forum and my posts still get modded, so maybe I need to get approved as a member or something before I can have exciting things like avatars? if not, can someone show me where the instructions are please?
  11. I had plenty of fuel left for the orbital insertion burn but my rocket wouldn't fire when I needed it to. I'm actually starting to wonder if it was just a glitch with the game? I added a battery pack and a solar array to it and tried again, engine reignited as required and everything was going fine until I lost track of my navball and ploughed into the ground at a few hundred m/s! On a side note, Shoestring Space Services has announced that pre-launch cocktails will cease immediately until further notice
  12. I just swore a lot, because I now think I understand why my latest test shot went awry. I've got a Stayputnik core on top of a pair of FL-T400 fuel tanks and an LV-T30 engine, with a helping hand from a pair of SRBs strapped to the sides! Note the lack of batteries on that list. I got off the ground fine, detached the SRBs without a hitch, and when I checked the orbital map I realised I could actually hit a decent LKO so decided to go for it. The mission log reads as follows: Set maneuver node - check Rotate towards node marker - check Throttle up engine - ch*nowaitaminute*whyyounowork*aaaargh** Having seen your issues I wonder if this was the problem I had?
  13. Hi everyone, I've actually been playing for a few months, but only in small doses as the game pushes my laptop to its limits and it overheats I also had a moment the other day and deleted my saved game so I'm back to square one. I've pinched an idea I saw elsewhere on here and started creating a database to hold info on parts and my test flights. Trying to play this latest game without losing any Kerbals, as if it wasn't enough of a challenge already Looking forward to hanging out here and learning some stuff, I'm already very impressed with some of the things on here Cheers, The Flower
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