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    Rocketry Enthusiast
  1. Could you give an update on the colors? I have Yellow/Blue/red parts right now (testing transfer on launch pad) and for the sake of god I cant transfer! Even tho I removed (imho) everything that is in its way to transfer kerbals. Cheers Edit: With picture now, when I click the ">>", only the order of them Changes in the module, but they dont transfer. http://imgur.com/Kdpfl1a
  2. T3E

    Coming back

    Thanks a bunch for your reply guys! I can see that the community is as great as it was 1 year ago. Thanks and good luck to you all!
  3. T3E

    Coming back

    Hello fellow Space travelers. After a longer break I finally came back and I already got confused on the download page. Sneaked around on the forum but couldn't really find the details about the different kind of download options (non-steam). What is the ARM Patch? (search function was rather disappointing) I downloaded the "Installer" so far, since I thought I cant do anything wrong, but confused now due to other topics where its stated clearly "I play ARM and XYZ..." Also, couldnt find an up-to-date ISA Mapsat version, did the developer stop? Cheers Edit: And the signature-thingy with badges doesnt work anymore ?
  4. It is useful tho if you dont have Engineer, to see the dV TWR and weight stats. And its nice 2 have if you want to establish a Satellite Network, since its quite dull to do the same launch 10 times
  5. I guess lurking in the "Spacecraft exchange" threads could give you some ideas about general designs of HeavyLifters/Rovers/Bases/Stations. Also some Threads in the "How to..." section could help you out Rover: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/24599-Post-your-Rover-MEGATHREAD Zenith Rocket Family Also here my own Mun Base, based on that1guy's idea. Also the Asparagus Staging could do the trick, since it is really efficient in KSP.
  6. Ahhaaaweesoohoome! Not because its a parachute or anything that would help the kerbals, BUT ITS POINTY. AND WE ALL KNOW ROCKETS SHOULD BE POINTY. I hope they will implant some of these to the stock!
  7. I think any mod which shows your the basic information like dV, TWR and weight is kinda essential. MechJeb is good if you either arent as good as you should be for a project (i would never have managed to land everything at the same spot for my Munbase that quick) or do to similar jobs over and over again (ComSat etc). Everything else is imho more about additional content, if you look for more parts, better looking parts or ressource system. Or like MapSat to give the probes some "job" while orbiting and observing planets/Moons.
  8. What do you want to improve? Efficiency? Size? In general you need much less to land on the Mun (if its just about the purpose to go there). On the other hand if you aim for a big craft: 1) Dont accelerate to quick when you lift off, because you might waste fuel if you are too fast (drag). 2) 1 fuel duct is usually enough (as far as I know, I am also still learning) 3) the solid boosters are great for the early stage, but you might want to re-consider to carry them with you in the upper stages since they are quite heavy. Thats all from me for the moment, hope it helps (little) Cheers Edit: About RSC, I think you can reduce the amount since you want to move your rocket only, not accelerate with them (usually)
  9. Steam can be a pain. Its fine as long as it works, but as soon as you have a problem you are pretty much alone in the dark. I had (mac) an issue to launch steam, I just couldnt fix it (re-install wasnt enough etc). So i wrote a support ticket - believe me guys, you never EVER want to deal with this support! Its bot support^10 and you will not get a real reply and ofc no help at all. So you have to figure it out yourself by google or simply give up. Not to say that steam is bad, but especially for mac users I wouldnt recommend it. (like some1 stated before in this thread,+1). Cheers
  10. Oh I am so jelly, I would kill for this mug b2t: I would like to see a shop available for Europeans as well. Mugs look pretty nice, not a big fan of game t-shirts nor of special mousepads.
  11. Yes exactly willow. Aswell as from the wiki regarding Duna.But okay, I slowly understand the dV-displa mechanics. So to come back back to my OP, to plan roughly, the the way to LKO i use the atmospheric dV and when I plan my voyage I calculate with the vacuum one? (regarding your "its based on delta-v, wherever you are" . Good thing with the I will keep that in mind.@Crush ok sorry for my dumb assumption that there are two different dVs .But since several plugins indicate the 2 dVs, I was confused regarding the other dVStats on the web. But good to know theres is actually only one
  12. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/24787-0-19-1-Zenith-rocket-family Maybe the Zenith can help you out. Even tho as far as I know they are more designed to reach LKO. Although you might get an Idea which dimension your rocket will need Do you have a refuel station in LKO? I heard that interplanetary transfers with huge payload are much easier if you can refuel in the orbit. Hope that helps a little
  13. Sawp, me (once again) with a question I cannot find an answer for with search/google. There are a bunch of Stats out there in the internetz where is written how much dV I need to get to planet/moon X. I have some good constellation to Duna and started to shoot up a few probes and rovers in the orbit and on intercept with Duna. My problem occurs with the manned lander now. On the wiki I read that I need appr. 7800dV. But is it ATMOSPHERIC or VACUUM dV? So I build a rocket that would have strong skipper/Rv-30 for the first two stages and and has about 5000dV (atmospheric). The last stage + lander has the high ISP engines LV-N which result in another 5000 dV ( vacuum). It has enough TWR for the gravity on Duna, so I guess it would work out. The problem that occurs is that I dont know on which stats all the Orbital Maps/Wiki guides are based on. Thanks in advance (I know someone smart knows the answer )
  14. Playing on 13", i guess most people have bigger windows than my "fullscreen"...
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